C#2y ago

❔ Need help to optimize this simulation

For context, I'm trying to build a simulation where you start with X "nodes" and every "round", one node is replaced by one of X predetermined possibilities (.NextNodes, which may be empty) and so on until Xth round is reached. For example, we could be working with integers and on each round one of the integers we have gets +1 or +2 so if we start with 1 and 3 and play 2 rounds some of the results could be - 3 (1 + 1 + 1) and 3 - 4 (1 + 1 + 2) and 3 - 3 (1 + 2) and 4 (3 + 1) ... The aim of the simulation is to compute every possible outcome and so far it works fine with little amount of data or start nodes but if I scale up to a point where I have a few million possibilities I start feeling the slowness and if I go even further it doesn't even finish. I'm pretty sure the most important thing to do is instantiating far less lists, but I can't figure out how. I also thought about creating one task per initial node and that task would only focus on cases where its initial node is replaced in the first round to parallelize but that wouldn't fix the memory eaten by those many lists. Here's my actual method :
public static List<Node[]> ComputePossibilities(List<Node[]> currentList, int depth)
if (depth == 0)
return currentList;
List<Node[]> ret = new();
foreach (Node[] path in currentList)
foreach (Node node in path)
foreach (Node nextNode in node.NextNodes)
ret.Add(path.ExceptNthOccurrenceOf(node, path.Count(x => x == node) - 1).Append(nextNode).ToArray());

if (ret.Count == 0)
return currentList;
return ComputePossibilities(ret, depth - 1);
public static List<Node[]> ComputePossibilities(List<Node[]> currentList, int depth)
if (depth == 0)
return currentList;
List<Node[]> ret = new();
foreach (Node[] path in currentList)
foreach (Node node in path)
foreach (Node nextNode in node.NextNodes)
ret.Add(path.ExceptNthOccurrenceOf(node, path.Count(x => x == node) - 1).Append(nextNode).ToArray());

if (ret.Count == 0)
return currentList;
return ComputePossibilities(ret, depth - 1);
108 Replies
JakenVeina2y ago
so if we start with 1 and 3
how the hell does that translate into
3(1 + 1 + 1) and 3
nalkaOP2y ago
well round 1 the 1 gets +1 and round 2 the 2 (that comes from 1 + 1) gets + 1, in the end we've got 3 and 3
JakenVeina2y ago
okay what's this for?
nalkaOP2y ago
It's just in general, I've ended up doing similar algos several times and always met that issue where it works but only with little amount of data Most of the time bots on CodinGame games
JakenVeina2y ago
like point being
nalkaOP2y ago
Gimme a sec
JakenVeina2y ago
is this a homework assignment of some kind?
nalkaOP2y ago
Nah no homework involved School is far away now 🙂
JakenVeina2y ago
well, you're definitely right that instantiating fewer lists will help this is also a prime case for parallelization, as your work is all CPU-bound
nalkaOP2y ago
As I said I think I should focus on eating less RAM before making it more complicated because when we reach several million possible outcomes it looks like it just stops at some point (around 1.5-2Gb)
JakenVeina2y ago
you can accomplish both by focusing on building a stateless solve method for solving a single case what does a "solution" look like, here? like you want to compute how MANY possible outputs there are for a particular set of input nodes? or you want to compute WHAT all the possibilities are, and list them?
nalkaOP2y ago
List them
JakenVeina2y ago
list only the unique ones? like, there's multiple ways a simulation could play out to produce the same outputs, right? like a [1,1] could become a [2,2] by having a +1 on each one, but two different ways it could go [1,1] => [1,2] => [2,2] or [1,1] => [2,1] => [2,2] are those different outputs?
nalkaOP2y ago
In the end both lists will be the same (I mean .SequenceEqual would return true) but I'd keep both in the results yes
JakenVeina2y ago
okay, well do you WANT those in the results? if you don't, that's a potential improvement right there
nalkaOP2y ago
Yes I want those in the results
JakenVeina2y ago
nalkaOP2y ago
Obviously not keeping them would remove some lists 🙂
JakenVeina2y ago
there's still a potential for improvement cause you can store the results as....
var results = new Dictionary<PossibleOutcome, int>();
var results = new Dictionary<PossibleOutcome, int>();
I.E. don't store duplicates, store each possible outcome and a count of the number of times it occurred so, after computing a PossibleOutcome that you already have, you just increment the counter, and then either let the PossibleOutcome get GC'd, or put it back in a pool to get reused object/array pooling is the other big point here, I think, for reducing memory usage beyond that, I'd need to see code
nalkaOP2y ago
This would be an improvement in theory but since (at least with my current method) all the results are known when you reach depth = 0 and I'd still have the plenty lists issue
JakenVeina2y ago
uhh.. kinda but it would be an improvement like I said the other obvious improvement to be made is to stop using lists
nalkaOP2y ago
yeah that's the one I'm looking for
JakenVeina2y ago
all the lists are the same size, which you know ahead-of-time, use arrays instead
nalkaOP2y ago
Right, that'll just make me spam arrays instead of lists but at least that's "better" spam ^^
JakenVeina2y ago
this, but unironically lists are heavier than arrays A) unless you're constructing your lists with the capacity parameter, the list is allocating multiple arrays over its lifetime, and the end result is a list that is extremely lilely to be over-allocated, I.E. allocated larger than what you need B) each list instance includes more allocations for state variables needed to manage the internal array
nalkaOP2y ago
Yeah ik the differences or at least the most common ones Just a bad habit of using lists everywhere
JakenVeina2y ago
it's not a bad habit, not really develop for straightforward functionality first then optimize generally
nalkaOP2y ago
Yeah but I mean I don't even think about the "optimize" part because most of the time it doesn't matter in the environments I work on
JakenVeina2y ago
which is normal and fine
nalkaOP2y ago
So here's the array version
public static List<Node[]> ComputePossibilities(List<Node[]> currentList, int depth)
if (depth == 0)
return currentList;
List<Node[]> ret = new();
foreach (Node[] path in currentList)
foreach (Node node in path)
foreach (Node nextNode in node.NextNodes)
ret.Add(path.ExceptNthOccurrenceOf(node, path.Count(x => x == node) - 1).Append(nextNode).ToArray());

if (ret.Count == 0)
return currentList;
return ComputePossibilities(ret, depth - 1);
public static List<Node[]> ComputePossibilities(List<Node[]> currentList, int depth)
if (depth == 0)
return currentList;
List<Node[]> ret = new();
foreach (Node[] path in currentList)
foreach (Node node in path)
foreach (Node nextNode in node.NextNodes)
ret.Add(path.ExceptNthOccurrenceOf(node, path.Count(x => x == node) - 1).Append(nextNode).ToArray());

if (ret.Count == 0)
return currentList;
return ComputePossibilities(ret, depth - 1);
JakenVeina2y ago
next big optimization: get rid of that recursion
nalkaOP2y ago
And go to iterative form instead?
JakenVeina2y ago
nalkaOP2y ago
Depth isn't really high in general
JakenVeina2y ago
true, but it still lets you control memory a little better and it's going to promote the next optimization, to parallelize this
nalkaOP2y ago
Arrays made it ~25% faster (may not be accurate at all since I only put a break point on the method call and looked at elapsed time after pressing F10 instead of a proper benchmark) Iterative looks like that (and is more or less same speed)
public static List<Node[]> ComputePossibilities(List<Node[]> currentList, int depth)
while (depth > 0)
List<Node[]> current = new();
foreach (var path in currentList)
foreach (Node node in path)
foreach (Node nextNode in node.NextNodes)
current.Add(path.ExceptNthOccurrenceOf(node, path.Count(x => x == node) - 1).Append(nextNode).ToArray());

currentList = current;

return currentList;
public static List<Node[]> ComputePossibilities(List<Node[]> currentList, int depth)
while (depth > 0)
List<Node[]> current = new();
foreach (var path in currentList)
foreach (Node node in path)
foreach (Node nextNode in node.NextNodes)
current.Add(path.ExceptNthOccurrenceOf(node, path.Count(x => x == node) - 1).Append(nextNode).ToArray());

currentList = current;

return currentList;
JakenVeina2y ago
there's no way you shouldbbe allocating new lists anywhere in there also, why do you have a list as an input?
nalkaOP2y ago
You talking about currentList right?
JakenVeina2y ago
nalkaOP2y ago
Hmmm most likely because the recursive had this 🤔 Removing it without just having an other local variable list doesn't seem as easy as I thought it would
JakenVeina2y ago
okay, I'm actually at my computer now so what is the actual goal here? like, what are the true inputs? you want to find all ways that this simulation can play out, right? what are the input parameters for this simulation? N number of "nodes" what else? the number of rounds? is that the same as the number of nodes? how about the amount added to a node during a around? your example was either +1 or +2 is that all?
nalkaOP2y ago
Understanding how to fix my various simulation algorithms being bad when the number of possible outcomes gets big (millions is where I start feeling the slowness) No, they aren't related at all Well it's not directly part of the parameters but ahead of the simulation each nodes knows what it can turn into (cf .NextNodes) The simulation method is agnostic, it only knows through .NextNodes what the node may turn into but it isnt aware if (keeping the example) the current node is 1 or 73 or today's date or whatever and if the possible transofrmations are +1, ×19, turn into a random string that contains 37 characters or whatever
JakenVeina2y ago
I meant with regard to the simulation what are the inputs
nalkaOP2y ago
Well depth and the initial nodes 🤔 Not sure if I understand your question 😅
JakenVeina2y ago
okay what is "depth"?
nalkaOP2y ago
I mean the number of "rounds"
JakenVeina2y ago
k and how do we define node transformations?
nalkaOP2y ago
You mean how do we compute .NextNodes?
JakenVeina2y ago
nalkaOP2y ago
It's computed before, doesn't take long enough to be worth optimizing
JakenVeina2y ago
so point being it's arbitrary you want to be able to run this simulation for any arbitrary type of node that you want to define
nalkaOP2y ago
If you mean that it doesn't respect a pattern or whatever, yes
JakenVeina2y ago
you gave an example where it's integers you could, say, have each node be a chess board or pieces on a chess board
nalkaOP2y ago
And the .NextNdoes for a board be the board after every possible move yeah
JakenVeina2y ago
k cracks knuckles also, you're only interested in the possible final state of each simulation not how you get there
nalkaOP2y ago
yes and no, given I want to list all the possible outcomes (possibly dealing with the duplicate outcomes with a dictionnary as you suggested yesterday) I'm not sure I can get rid of intermediate states completely
JakenVeina2y ago
.... so, yes
I want to list all the possible outcomes
you don't want to list all possible paths to all possible outcomes
nalkaOP2y ago
Yeah I don't care about the paths themselves, as long as I know I have X paths leading to given outcome I'm fine
JakenVeina2y ago
k is .NextNodes deterministic? from the current node?
nalkaOP2y ago
You mean like if I have two nodes that are 1 (keeping the integer example), will both have the same .NextNodes?
JakenVeina2y ago
nalkaOP2y ago
then yes
JakenVeina2y ago
crap okay moment of truth nope alright, I think we're done
public static async Task Main()
var simulator = new TestSimulator();

var results = await simulator.ExecuteAsync(
initialNodes: new[] { 1, 1 },
maxDepth: 2);

foreach(var result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"[{result.Key.Nodes[0]}, {result.Key.Nodes[1]}]: {result.Value}");
public static async Task Main()
var simulator = new TestSimulator();

var results = await simulator.ExecuteAsync(
initialNodes: new[] { 1, 1 },
maxDepth: 2);

foreach(var result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"[{result.Key.Nodes[0]}, {result.Key.Nodes[1]}]: {result.Value}");
[2, 2]: 2
[3, 1]: 1
[4, 1]: 2
[3, 2]: 2
[2, 3]: 2
[1, 3]: 1
[1, 4]: 2
[5, 1]: 1
[3, 3]: 2
[1, 5]: 1
[2, 2]: 2
[3, 1]: 1
[4, 1]: 2
[3, 2]: 2
[2, 3]: 2
[1, 3]: 1
[1, 4]: 2
[5, 1]: 1
[3, 3]: 2
[1, 5]: 1
that seems to be correct for the "+1 or +2" simulation for depth 3
[5, 1]: 3
[6, 1]: 3
[4, 2]: 6
[3, 2]: 3
[2, 3]: 3
[2, 4]: 6
[4, 3]: 6
[4, 1]: 1
[3, 3]: 6
[5, 2]: 3
[3, 4]: 6
[1, 4]: 1
[1, 5]: 3
[2, 5]: 3
[1, 6]: 3
[3, 5]: 3
[1, 7]: 1
[7, 1]: 1
[5, 3]: 3
[5, 1]: 3
[6, 1]: 3
[4, 2]: 6
[3, 2]: 3
[2, 3]: 3
[2, 4]: 6
[4, 3]: 6
[4, 1]: 1
[3, 3]: 6
[5, 2]: 3
[3, 4]: 6
[1, 4]: 1
[1, 5]: 3
[2, 5]: 3
[1, 6]: 3
[3, 5]: 3
[1, 7]: 1
[7, 1]: 1
[5, 3]: 3
JakenVeina2y ago
No description
JakenVeina2y ago
good CPU utilization 1 billion nodes processed... loooool, GC collections are like a 5 second affair
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:11:54.7529864
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:11:54.7529864
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
yeah, so this particular implementation is HEAVILY memory-bound CPU utilization drops below 50% if I put a limit on how many node sets can be queued up for processing, at a time that is, this particular implementation of a simulation where calculating next nodes is just a couple of int additions so long as the average node number of forward nodes that any node has is greater than one, memory use will grow exponentially might not actually be worth all the parallelism, then I'll have to run the next test with memory throttling, both with and without parallelism
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:07:28.2417893
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:07:28.2417893
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
much better with release build and no debugger okay, that is noooooooooooooot finishing, with the memory throttling in place might've even deadlocked, I dunno yeah, parallelism is doing more harm than good here
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:04:15.3034013
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:04:15.3034013
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
nalkaOP2y ago
Hmmm you reached a higher number of results than I do, I tend to be stuck (because of the memory issues) at around 50m results (should probably try in release and outside of vs to see if it helps going furether)
JakenVeina2y ago
the memory is definitely an issue here I max out my 32GB
nalkaOP2y ago
Oh ok that explains 😄
JakenVeina2y ago
I think I know how to approach it better, but I also think that approach will eliminate any possibility of parallelism
nalkaOP2y ago
Those damn lists 😬
JakenVeina2y ago
which I was rather going for in the first place no lists used all arrays with pooling oh my blazebin seems to be busted on Firefox
nalkaOP2y ago
Well l guess we can start from here and see afterwards 🤷‍♂️
JakenVeina2y ago
BlazeBin - wojbxyvhasvo
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
nalkaOP2y ago
Ok that looks too complicated to look at on phone 😅 Brb when my pc is ready
JakenVeina2y ago
heh doesn't help it's all shoved into one file
nalkaOP2y ago
Yeah but on pc I can copy paste on different files and make it easier to browse 😁 If I understand correctly, your version computes transformation results on the fly and always applies the same transformations (+1 or +2)?
JakenVeina2y ago
that was the example you proposed but yes, that's definitely the way you want to do it A) you avoid needing an allocation to store the next nodes for each node, because it gets deferred to the simulator you can generate the nodes directly into the simulator's already-allocated queue for processing B) you don't und up running the next-nodes calculation an extra billion times, for all the max-depth nodes that won't use them
nalkaOP2y ago
I'm not sure if I understand this, I mean using my initial implementation you don't compute next nodes billion times (well if we use the integer example and keep it unbounded, you have to process every integer so still a lot), if say there are million or even billion possible outcomes but only X possible nodes, you'll just compute next nodes X times. While if your implementation meets (back to the integer example) a 3 two times, it'll compute the 3's next nodes twice right?
JakenVeina2y ago
I'm referring to your implementation of .NextNodes which, admittedly, I haven't look at, but you said it's pre-calculated if the final result of 15 rounds has 1 billion result nodes, then you are pre-calculating the .NextNodes property of each of those 1 billion nodes, even though you're not going to navigate those .NextNodes valued is that not accurate?
nalkaOP2y ago
I don't think so As I said, the integers example is not really good for this because they can go as far as you like but say we're sure we'll never haves node that go above 10 and below 0 Pre-calculation will determine what the possible NextNodes are for 0, 1, 2, 3... up to but 10. Say every node's NextNodes are either the node with +1 or the node with +2 (to keep the same transformations as before) and if that'd make you go above 10, start from 0 (so 10's NextNodes are the nodes that contain 0 and 1) Here you'd only compute .NextNodes 11 times
JakenVeina2y ago
so, .NextNodes is pre-calculated, and also pulled from a shared cache?
nalkaOP2y ago
Hmmm yeah
JakenVeina2y ago
nalkaOP2y ago
Not really related but I've tried a Stack<T> based approach to try fixing memory issues by not computing every outcome simultaneously but it's not completely working atm, what do you think?
JakenVeina2y ago
a Stack<T> would definitely be appropriate for tracking iteration progress
nalkaOP2y ago
Yeah that's kind of what I do atm, even if I think I do it pretty bad cause the Stack actually stores the index of the transformed node, the index of the next nodes and the node array representing the current state
JakenVeina2y ago
well, that runs significantly better, but it's also wrong... there we go
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:01:41.1029706
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
Max Depth: 15
Simulation Time: 00:01:41.1029706
Unique Results: 361
Total Results: 1,073,741,824
betcha I can do better
nalkaOP2y ago
You used Stack<T>? Or just improved you previous alg?
JakenVeina2y ago
rewrote it a fair bit it's now essentially allocation-free whole program peaked at 11MB
JakenVeina2y ago
BlazeBin - sxuwtfmplhcm
A tool for sharing your source code with the world!
nalkaOP2y ago
Played around with your impl a little, it crashes when it meets a dead-end (node with no next nodes) On the other hand, cool thing is it can be used with pre-calculated .NextNodes (even if I guess your caching system probably becomes unneeded since the cache is already in the pre-calc) pretty easily since I just have to implement like that
public sealed class TestSimulator : Simulator<Node>
protected override IReadOnlyList<Node> GetNextNodes(Node node) => node.NextNodes;
public sealed class TestSimulator : Simulator<Node>
protected override IReadOnlyList<Node> GetNextNodes(Node node) => node.NextNodes;
JakenVeina2y ago
nalkaOP2y ago
looks like adding
if (nextNodeIndex >= nextNodes.Count)
if (nextNodeIndex >= nextNodes.Count)
Before the line it crashes on fixes it, but given I don't have a full understanding of your code yet, not sure if it's enough/doesn't break other stuff
Accord2y ago
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nalkaOP2y ago
Looks like it's still bugged when actual depth is lower than maxDepth, at that point it returns 0 results
JakenVeina2y ago
so, the algorithm goes straight from retrieving the set of next nodes, into doing the replacement for the first one, and checking it for either being a solution, or being a new depth to explore you just need a bounds check there if the set of next nodes is empty, skip to the next loop iteration I.E. wrap the whole logic for the nextNodes sub-loop in a bounds check although, doing that breaks the goto maybe we can get rid of the goto actually meh, even simpler
if ((nextNodes is null)
&& !nextNodesCache.TryGetValue(currentNodes[nodeIndex], out nextNodes))
nextNodes = GetNextNodes(currentNodes[nodeIndex]);
nextNodesCache.Add(currentNodes[nodeIndex], nextNodes);
nextNodeIndex = 0;

if (nextNodeIndex >= nextNodes.Count)

replacedNode = currentNodes[nodeIndex];
currentNodes[nodeIndex] = nextNodes[nextNodeIndex];

if (depthStateStack.Count == (maxDepth - 1))
var nodeSet = nodeSetBuilder.CreateFrom(currentNodes);

if (results.ContainsKey(nodeSet))
results[nodeSet] += 1;
results.Add(nodeSet, 1);
NextNodeIndex = nextNodeIndex,
NextNodes = nextNodes,
NodeIndex = nodeIndex,
ReplacedNode = replacedNode

nodeIndex = 0;
nextNodes = null;
nextNodeIndex = 0;

currentNodes[nodeIndex] = replacedNode;

if (nextNodeIndex < nextNodes.Count)

nextNodes = null;
nextNodeIndex = 0;

if (nodeIndex < currentNodes.Length)

if (depthStateStack.TryPop(out var state))
nextNodeIndex = state.NextNodeIndex;
nextNodes = state.NextNodes;
nodeIndex = state.NodeIndex;
replacedNode = state.ReplacedNode;
if ((nextNodes is null)
&& !nextNodesCache.TryGetValue(currentNodes[nodeIndex], out nextNodes))
nextNodes = GetNextNodes(currentNodes[nodeIndex]);
nextNodesCache.Add(currentNodes[nodeIndex], nextNodes);
nextNodeIndex = 0;

if (nextNodeIndex >= nextNodes.Count)

replacedNode = currentNodes[nodeIndex];
currentNodes[nodeIndex] = nextNodes[nextNodeIndex];

if (depthStateStack.Count == (maxDepth - 1))
var nodeSet = nodeSetBuilder.CreateFrom(currentNodes);

if (results.ContainsKey(nodeSet))
results[nodeSet] += 1;
results.Add(nodeSet, 1);
NextNodeIndex = nextNodeIndex,
NextNodes = nextNodes,
NodeIndex = nodeIndex,
ReplacedNode = replacedNode

nodeIndex = 0;
nextNodes = null;
nextNodeIndex = 0;

currentNodes[nodeIndex] = replacedNode;

if (nextNodeIndex < nextNodes.Count)

nextNodes = null;
nextNodeIndex = 0;

if (nodeIndex < currentNodes.Length)

if (depthStateStack.TryPop(out var state))
nextNodeIndex = state.NextNodeIndex;
nextNodes = state.NextNodes;
nodeIndex = state.NodeIndex;
replacedNode = state.ReplacedNode;
more gotos!
Accord2y ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
nalkaOP2y ago
Don't see how it fixes the actual depth lower than max depth problem given results are still built only when maxDepth is reached 🤔
JakenVeina2y ago
ahhhhh, another good point
Murten2y ago
Normally you would probably apply Alpha–beta pruning to this problem but because you don't really have a goal you can't really do that. Still a fun problem though.
JakenVeina2y ago
yeah, I had a problem a while back kinda like this that I solved REALLY efficiently, with parallelization and everything but the solution there only worked because the whole problem was much more, uh.... predictable like, I can know ahead of time exactly how many possible solutions there are so, what I was able to do was literally for loop over all possible solutions from 0 to N and mathematically derive which possible solution is to be tested from that index value the early-termination angle for this problem makes it much tougher I mean, I could definitely approach this problem the same way, but it would be absurd it would be "loop over all possible permutations of nodes that could be a final result, and then walk backwards to see if it's reachable from the starting point, and how many times" you'd end up doing WAY more work
Murten2y ago
Yeah, this "simulation" is kinda a worst case scenario lol.
nalkaOP2y ago
By "WAY more work", do you mean we'd back to the point where I was before asking? aka spamming lists so much that I run out of memory?
JakenVeina2y ago
just more redundant work recalculating and re-traversing chunks of the graph that you've already done before
nalkaOP2y ago
Yeah or maybe try storing potential results for depth X and then trying if depth X +1 exists until either depth X + 1 doesn't exist or maxDepth is reached 🤔 Though that sounds like the starting approach that was traversing a whole depth before going to the next one
Accord2y ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
nalkaOP17mo ago
Kind of workarounded it by restarting the sim with depth -1 when it returns no results
Accord17mo ago
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