Beating Qui level 7

Hey, Full playthrough to beat Qui stage 7 is here: - Deck at 02:45. - This strategy could be used to beat any other level. I also show shame list at the end, no one other from those 15 shared how to beat her. Have a good day getting 3 free achievements ^^
Kamień Gravestone
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Qui stage 7, Deck at the end, no comme...
The Qui, event boss during ,,Playing with Dragons Fire'' season in game HPMA (Harry Potter Magic Awakened), last 7th Stage. That's not my best run, but it's enough to give you glimpse how easily do stage one of this boss, and then you gonna need only to crack down the second stage. Second phase could be done much better, at my first run with be...
1 Reply
WizZaubii2y ago
Thank you! :KnarlHeart:

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