VALORANT•17mo ago

Agent Concept #9 - Mars

Role: Duelist Bio: From Rome Italy, agent Mars can manipulate a force of rage like no other. With this ability, the longer he's left alive, the more dangerous he becomes, up the the point there's no stopping him. - PASSIVE: Rising Rage - Mars Has abilities that evolve over time. Evolved abilities' effects change based on the state of Rising Rage. Each regular stack of Rising Rage takes 60s to complete (Max. 1 extra stack, Ult stacks twice, once every 40s. Ability Charges carry to their evolved forms (i.e. if an ability has 2 charges, one is used in its 1st state, and the 2nd does not replenish when the ability stacks). Basic Abilities: - Ability C - 1st evolution (0s from Start of Round): Raging Rush (2 charges) - INSTANTLY activate a rage ability. Mars takes 80% damage and gains a 10% speed boost for 3s. - 2nd Evolution (60s from Start of Round): Rising Rush - Mars takes 60% damage and gains a 20% speed boost for 3s. - Ability Q 1st Evolution (0s from Start of Round): Vigor (1 charge) - Mars INSTANTLY heals by 20hp. - 2nd Evolution (60s from Start of Round): Empowerment - INSTANTLY heal by 40hp. - Ability E 1st Evolution (0s from Start of Round): Fist of Rage (2 charges) - EQUIP an orb of Rage Energy. FIRE to throw a punch with this rage sphere, sending forth a fast-traveling beam of energy that damages enemies for 30hp, and stuns enemies for 2s. - 2nd Evolution (60s from Start of Round): Fist of Fury: 50 Damage, 3s Stun Time - ULTIMATE: Cry of War (8 points), 1st evolution - INSTANTLY start a channel for an ability that buffs all allies in range (4m radius) With the following: + 10% Damage Amp + 10 HP instant heal + 10% Movespeed - 2nd Evolution (40s from Start of Round): + 15% Damage Amp + 10% Damage Resist + 20 HP instant heal + 15% Movespeed - 3rd Evolution (80s from Start of Round): + 20% Damage Amp + 15% Damage Resist + 30 HP instant heal + 20% Movespeed All Evolutions' effects last for 10 seconds.
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7 Replies
fecker•17mo ago
SkrogOP•17mo ago
he mad the funny
Hitler's Descendant
Hitler's Descendant•17mo ago
dam can you help draw an agent based off magma?
Hazel•17mo ago
Damn, the pictures of Mars looks so rage and mad, he would get along very well with Breach
riohyeon•17mo ago
this goes hard actually
SkrogOP•17mo ago
Thanks! Uhh I can try ig
Hitler's Descendant
Hitler's Descendant•17mo ago

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