Cloudflare help integrating with Hyros

Hi Cloudflare devs! Im attempting to get a WordPress installation with WooCommerce integrated with Hyros. I have a WooCommerce key and secret specific for Hyros but Hyros cant get to the endpoint and claims Cloudflare is blocking. Are there any specific rules we can set on our Cloudflare to allow specific access to Hyros? Thank you in advance for any and all of your assistance!
4 Replies
Chaika•2y ago
Hey! Not familiar with Hyros/WooCommerce specifically but: Check Security -> Events ( See what's blocking it. If it's a WAF Managed Ruleset rule, you could bypass it. If it's something like Rate Limiting or IP Reputation, you could bypass that as well based on specific IPs (if they have a list, would be helpful) or something else to bypass on
Erik Lensherr
Erik LensherrOP•2y ago
Awesome, thanks @Chaika ! I'll forward this information to Hyros and see if they can get me the information I need. 🤘
Chaika•2y ago
It'd be on your end unless Hyros is managing your Cloudflare account or something along those lines
Erik Lensherr
Erik LensherrOP•2y ago
No no, its probably on our end since Hyros is not managing our Cloudflare. I'll see if I can get some specifics from Hyros support and try that. Thank you!

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