Conform container size to centered grid content

Hello! In this Codepen I have a grid of items that uses auto-fit to keep them centered within a container (using margin-inline: auto). I also have a navbar using that same container class. Is there a way that I can keep the width of the navbar consistent with the main content as the page resizes? I've attached a mock-up image of the desired effect - note how the edge of each container matches.
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3 Replies
RileyOP16mo ago
The problem with justify-content: space-between, by the way, is that it creates very large gaps between each item (particularly bad when the screen is small enough to only have two items. I would like those to be centered instead
MarkBoots16mo ago
do your grid items have to be exactly 240px wide? you could use grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(240px, 1fr)); and remove the width form the .item. then they will grow until the container is filled
RileyOP16mo ago
I think that might be the best choice - the issue in the real site is that they are images, and I have been trying to keep them at a low size just to keep file sizes down, but they look okay scaled up a bit too

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