mfad16mo ago

Postman Oxfords - thoughts?

I've been really considering a pair as of late. I walk a lot but want to get some nicer shoes to wear casually as I walk around campus since I'm kind of shifting away from my black jeans and band shirts style of summer into a more dark acadamic sort of vibe with some nice coats and wool pants - heavily considering these since they match well with dark colors for me. Thoughts? I'd imagine they'd pair well with the lulu pants I just bought
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28 Replies
william16mo ago
Personally not a huge fan of that sole on a derby, I’d prefer a lug sole, but that’s just preference :- )
Nayyyyy16mo ago
They're cool Mono docs are another option
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
If this is the kind of shoe you are after, Moto makes the absolute best model. Incredible craftsmanship, perfect ratio, ages like fine wine...
sam16mo ago
could you send a link? did some googling and couldn’t find anything
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
#2100 CORDOVAN PLAIN TOE SHOES BLACK コードバンプレーントゥシューズ ブラック
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Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
They are sold out at the moment, but usually restock at the beginning of the month. They have several other colors
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
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Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
Here are mine in brown
fauxhemian16mo ago
The ones in your image are the Red Wings, right? I think at that price point it's a good bang for the price. Those Moto shoes Shrimp linked look amazing though, and similar to those, depending on where you are in the world, it might be easier to get Tricker's Robert derby, which is also available in black cordovan leather.
TheComebackKid16mo ago
I had a pair years ago and really hated them The leather doesnt break in well and the wedge sole is not very comfortable. I wouldnt recommend them
gimp16mo ago
Also... not oxfords
CirceOP16mo ago
fair I cannot spend that much money on shoes 🙏 i make 50 cents above minimum wage
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
OK, sorry. Totally understandable and my bad.
CirceOP16mo ago
i am just branching out a bit into winter clothes/boots
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
This is incorrect, actually. One use of the term "oxford" is shoes with closed lacing systems. But the habit of calling this style of derby "oxford" stretches back more than 100 years. So these are correctly also called oxfords.
CirceOP16mo ago
just got a pair of thursday cavailars but might return them if i dont like them
gimp16mo ago
Link source. Every definition I've ever seen makes a clear distinction between an oxford and derby. Not including keyword-stuffed descriptions on websites and ebay and such. Otherwise it feels like saying that "blazer and sport coat mean the same thing because many people have a habit of using the words interchangeably." Without getting into a debate on the fluidity of language...
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
Red wing has used the term since the early 1900s. Viberg and Moto are other brands, and there are many others. It has a long history and is not uncommon. Here is a link:
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
Josh Bornstein
Why the Hell Do All These Workboot Makers Call Their Derbies “Oxfor...
What’s an oxford when it’s absolutely, definitely not an oxford…but is still, somehow, called an oxford? It’s difficult to fathom how one one of the most common shoe terms became one of the most surprisingly contentious shoe terms. Because we all know what an oxford is, right? Well, just in case, let’s break it down
Shrimp my Ride
Shrimp my Ride16mo ago
By the way, lots of "double terms" exist in the world of fashion or even shoes. For example, "cordovan" is a type of leather, but it is also a color of leather dye. Totally unrelated.
CirceOP16mo ago
Has anyone like actually owned the postmans and yo uknow walked in them
TheComebackKid16mo ago
sorrynodice16mo ago
I've had a pair of Red Wing Postman oxfords for like 8 years. One of my most consistently comfortable shoes. Also holds up great in bad weather. Highly recommend.
gimp16mo ago
Haha alright that's fair. It annoys me because I wish they just wouldn't use the "double terms" ... but fuck it, who am I to say.
CirceOP16mo ago
mhm considering them strongly as my next pair the thursdays feel a bit nrarow but im not sure how much i need 2 break them in i wear thicke rsocks and that solved it
Barstool_BanksSt16mo ago
I bought a pair of these a couple of years ago to pair with black jeans They were really comfortable, well-built, plenty of room for your foot to move when walking for a long time ultimately I got rid of them after a couple of months because I didn't like the look of the sole. It felt too casual to wear dressed up and not interesting enough to wear dressed down
Barstool_BanksSt16mo ago
Last week I was at 3sixteen in NYC and they had just started carrying these Sanders derbys, and I picked up a pair. They're heavier, but to me they look nicer dressed up and down, and the fit & comfort are pretty similar. https://www.bradshawandlloyd.com/product/sanders-worcester-black/
Bradshaw & Lloyd
Sanders Worcester in Black Waxy Leather
The new Sanders Worcester 4-eyelet plain front derby has a storm welt and is fully leather lined. Made in Sanders' Rushden, England.
CirceOP16mo ago
ooo @AllMooseNoAntlers I feel like for like both fit well with my style i'm kind of doing it as like, a slightly more dressy doc

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