❔ HMAC encrypt a string
Hey guys I'm trying to HMAC encrypt a string but the resulting hash is being rejected by the server I want to use it on. It's returning
400 Bad Request
: "Please provide a valid HMAC hash"
I'm trying to achieve this: https://docs.novu.co/notification-center/client/react/get-started#enabling-hmac-encryption
With my code looking like this:
I'm wondering if I'm just doing it wrong or if there's something else perhaps.. I triple checked the values I'm using and they should be correct
The hash that I output is 18A22B366AF133C8ADD62E471BB3F91984D12E495CD4EC33999DEE8B48722E39
10 Replies
I think it's because I'm generating it in UTF-8 and then turning that string into a hex instead of directly to hex?
well yes and no
your apiKey and userId are stored in plain text somewhere I assume
"plain text" is sneaky thou
there are many ways to encode text, so getting the byte values of a string is non-trivial
it COULD be that its not utf-8 encoded and causing issues with that
Oh man I got it working
I found this which was interesting https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64010313/why-does-digest-and-digesthex-result-in-different-outputs
Stack Overflow
why does digest and digest('hex') result in different outputs?
I have 2 piece of codes.
const hash1 = (data) => createHash('sha256').update(data).digest('hex');
var a1 = hash1("A");
var b1 = hash1("B");
In the end I snatched up the code in this post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11790599/python-hmac-and-c-sharp-hmac
Which in the end just returns the same thing except that it's lowercase instead of uppercase lol
Stack Overflow
Python hmac and C# hmac
We have a python web service. It needs a hash as a parameter.
The hash in python is generated this way.
hashed_data = hmac.new("ant", "bat", hashlib.sha1)
print hashed_data.hexdigest()
Though how would you advise I store the api key? It's now coming from a local file but it'll be fetched from a secret store in test/prod environment
I hadn't really thought about text encoding
C# strings are utf, so shouldnt be a problem
I'm guessing you'd inject it via
anyways, regardless of how its exposed to the app
Azure keyvault, AWS secrets manager, environment variables etcWas this issue resolved? If so, run
- otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.