Combining multiple images into one image using CSS
I need to combine multiple parts of an image join and form the complete image using CSS animation. Please help. Thanks in advance. So each part is a separate image.
13 Replies
we need more explanation than this.
Also a preview of the start and end state would be useful

We have to combine the three images into the 4 th image. So it should look like an animation. Sorry for the delay in updating this.
you are overcomplicating. at the same time, not complicated enough (depending in what you want)
the question itself is easy: just use svg
then animate with css or svg
or, use a grid with 2 columns and 3 rows
then do whatever you need in css
Thanks @ἔρως So you are saying that these images have to be converted into svg format and then animate it using css. Is that correct?
no, but that is an option
So basically the way how these images combine to form one image should be displayed on the page
listen, they will never be one image, unless you take a screenshot
all you can do is fake it
or use canvas, but if you are asking this, i highly doubt you know how to use javascript and the canvas 2d context to draw the image
faking it is the most sensible option anyways
something like that
As I am seeing it (correct me if I'm wrong), It shouldn't be all images. I notice there are select boxes and an input field. So why not just use 1 background image (shirt) , the logo on top of it (sliding in) and the text/form as actual text and form.
no, it shouldnt, since it is supposed to be interactive
also text