Need FrontEnd Advice

I need some advice, i am working on a frontend of a project, i am using html, css and js for it. The thing is its my first project which involves layouts, responsiveness and js functionality. I am able to design and layout things as required. But the thing is , my css is not the best, in terms of extensibility. I have used flexbox for layouting stuff. I am able to complete a design, but then if i make some changes, multiple things break, so i need to be very careful while changing things. So my question is, now that i have written and completed some part of the design, how can i refactor or improve the css so that my responsiveness and the part where changes need to be made is done smoothly. Any tips or guides would help a lot.
118 Replies
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Like how do i refactor my current css and how should i write better css for upcoming designs?? Like sometimes i change the font size, my whole card layout breaks. This is just an example
Zoë17mo ago
I would rewrite it. I rarely take a first draft to a finished product. First draft is just learning how you should have done it and then afterwards do it the way you should have. Then later on after doing some work go back to before that work and do it again. With web development it's super easy to get yourself stuck in a corner. As for your layout breaking, are you using em that changes based on your font-size while rem remains constant
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Also i am a beginner at this, with no real world experience
Zoë17mo ago
The most important thing is getting something finished, it may not be pretty but first projects are better finished than perfect but unfinished. Doing things wrong is a good learning experience of things to avoid in the future
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
So u mean, first time, i simply code the design, and then once its done, i would do it again in an optimized way
Zoë17mo ago
How much experience do you have generally? Have you gone straight into making a website or do you have experience making small things? Pretty much yeah. A lot of my stuff I get it working and then I go back and see if I could have done it better, often it might require rebuilding it from scratch. It's hard to see all of the challenges you'll face from the start
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
I have made some stuff with bootstrap To be specific. I have cloned a websites desktop design, I also cloned youtube design and made it reponsive as much as i could. This is where i learned most of the stuff I have no job experience i just graduated and i got this project to work on because i had nothing to do as of now
Solo Incrementing
I make the page "done" first, then go through each component step by step looking at all the viewport breakpoints for it and adjust the css with media queries at those steps, and if its really broken, then consider changing the implementation entirely (something like maybe I should've used flexbox here instead of grid etc).
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Regarding the size u ask, for font i use pixels Tbh i use what makes my design complete This way I always wonder why my height property does not work sometimes
13eck17mo ago
Please note that this channel is for asking about code-specific things. This question is better suited for #discussions
ἔρως17mo ago
in this case, i believe it's best to cut your losses and start over, but, it's even better if we can see the code this way, we can fix your stuff, if it isnt a total loss
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Yes I understand. So suppose i am designing a whole page, so what would you suggest, recheck once whole page is done or recheck after each element or part of the page is done?
Zoë17mo ago
Firstly only use rem for font-size because it plays well to user settings. Secondly I meant if you used em for sizes on the cards as that would be affected
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Also, mods , sorry if this is not the place to discuss this. Didnt knew
Zoë17mo ago
Iteration is an important part of web development. There's no such thing as wasted time, starting over is just restarting with hindsight, and be prepared to restart more than once
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
For my divs, I usually use width as 100% if i know my div is gonna tak entire parent width. As for height, i used fixed pixel heights I wasn’t expecting u guys to fix things as i would have asked it seperately. I actually needed advice. Because so far the design is achieved but the code is not the best but not the worst too
Solo Incrementing
divs take 100% of their parent width by default because they're block elements, and I would use percentage for heights, or even better let their sizes be controlled by a bigger container that's flexbox or grid
ἔρως17mo ago
all advice is guessing without something tangible we can see and smell and comment on and maybe fix maybe it isn't so bad and a few tweaks make your design more robust or make it stop breaking maybe it actually suffers from brittle bones and needs to be discarded maybe it has too many divs
Zoë17mo ago
I would recommend doing neither of those things. If you're using block elements they already use max width. If using grid or flexbox they can deal with widths. As for heights you may use min-height but avoid setting a height or max-height as it can't adapt (unless you are making it adapt such as cutting off text with...) The height may have been causing issues
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
This is the problem. But later I learned about grids How can we control heights using flexbox?
Solo Incrementing
idk read the docs or something 🤣
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Yes i think fixed heights is causing the issue
ἔρως17mo ago
yes, but everything is just guestimating
Solo Incrementing
generally speaking grid is for layouts with 2 dimensions, flexbox is for layouts with a single dimension (either a row or a column)
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Also, i will actually share something which i fixed but i bet there is a better way to design it for different screen sizes. I will share it in few hours as its midnight here. I will share the codepen for it
ἔρως17mo ago
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Alright guys. Thanks a lot. And i will surely use discussion section next time Thanks for this as well
ἔρως17mo ago
in this case, since you're sharing code, it's probably better here, but listen to what the mods say im not a mod
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Yes i will share it here Do i need to close this post or keep it as it is?
ἔρως17mo ago
keep it, you will need it tomorrow
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
ἔρως17mo ago
do you use git?
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Yes. Not a pro but i use it I use github desktop for pushing and pulling from the repos
ἔρως17mo ago
you might want to check at git pages as well
Solo Incrementing
I used to do that like 3 weeks ago, as easy to use it is, I dont see how it can makes recovering back to old versions easy I never got to that point
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Git pages, where u host ur website if i am not wrong? Like mostly the frontend part
Solo Incrementing
my point is learn the commands either via Bash or via the vscode terminal
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
For older version, i go to the original repo and go to commit history. And in my vscode, i use timelines if anything goes wrong Yeah ik. I should start learning them
ἔρως17mo ago
yes, which may remove the need for the codepen, and you also host your cool stuff
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Well, for hosting my stuff which i have already, i use netlify. I found it easy to use. I will give the github pages a try as well
Solo Incrementing
setting up live github pages is as easy as go to repo > repo settings > pages > select main branch, boom its live in 2 mins
ἔρως17mo ago
yup, and you can host simple html pages with images
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Okay. I will give it a try
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago Here is the code pen. So what basically is happening is that i take data from backend(i have created dummy data) and display it inside my cards. The whole page is layouted using flexbox. Now where the problem occurs is inside the cards. If i dont use media queries, that cards are fine and they take up the whole remaining width inside the
div(which is set to display flex, justify-content:space-between). But then on larger screens, the cards look to small, so when i tried to increase the height of the cards, or the fontsize of any of the span inside the cards, the whole card layout breaks. How i fixed it was i used media queries and then gave new values to the
div and the span elements as well. Which involves giving weird values like for example
.right column {
padding: 19px 0;
padding-left: 30px;
.right column {
padding: 19px 0;
padding-left: 30px;
Here, this i had to do to achieve the design on different screen sizes but then i have to mostly change all the values inside the cards. right column has a background color, which has the description in it. Whenever i change the card size or something, the right column kind of breaks, due to which i usually need to give it more padding so that the backrgound color fits as per the design. right and left column are wrapper divs for applying flexbox. If you change anything, the font size or cards size, the card breaks. I have achieved the design but the code is not properly refactorable if thats the word for it. I hope i was able to explain the issue
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Since i was able to achieve the design on my screen and on bigger screens(using media queries), i just want to know how could i do it better in a way that when i make changes, things dont break much. Also , inside the codepen, it would be better if you see the css from
ἔρως17mo ago
i will check in a bit
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Yeah sure
ἔρως17mo ago
im sorry, but im struggling to visualize the problem can you take screenshots of it?
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Yes i will send it
ἔρως17mo ago
thank you
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
No description
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
here i increased the cards height(for bigger screens), and then the design kind of broke. This could be fixed by adding media queries and changing the styles again but i think its not the best way to do it
ἔρως17mo ago
you do have a huge problem...
No description
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
this one exactly i fixed it by adding media queries and applying new sets of styles inside the media queries.
ἔρως17mo ago
if i were you, i would just start over, and try to do JUST the basic just format it don't add colors, fonts and all that bullshit
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
what would you suggest? what am i missing?
ἔρως17mo ago
NOTHING, except the base formatting alignments and that's it
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
oh, so you mean try to optimize only the layout?
ἔρως17mo ago
no im saying, gut everything start fresh this is a lost cause
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
So i will use grids maybe and should i use percentage for the inside spans? like their width or padding? so if i use percentage, the will resize on bigger screens if i increase the cards size?
ἔρως17mo ago
you should just gut it all out you are using a paragraph as a span, and a span as a div, and then you have divs inside of divs inside of divs inside of divs and the side menu div is completely unresponsive and you won't be able to make it responsive
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
side menu, i removed the html as my focus was cards. So i did not add in the code pen.
ἔρως17mo ago
thank god
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
i had no issues with them being not responsive.
ἔρως17mo ago
it's on the side outside the header you can probably make it have a position absolute and some js fuckery but seriously, it's a brittle design
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
yeah mate ik, thats why I asked u guys about how should i rewrite it.
ἔρως17mo ago
that's why im saying to gut it all out
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
I did complete the design but not in the best way possible
ἔρως17mo ago
you will have pain after pain after pain to make this work you mean, you designed it somewhere else before?
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
one last thing i would ask you, since I was able to make the design, what things i should consider in rewriting the code?
ἔρως17mo ago
basic alignment first
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
like no, i was more worried about displaying the json, i learned it on this project and I had no idea how to do it. Once it was done, i simply focused on getting the design done.
ἔρως17mo ago
use outlines with different colors to see how things behave make sure those basic building blocks work properly use appropriate tags appropriatedly
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
u mean class and id names?
ἔρως17mo ago
for example <div id="nav"> should be a <nav> tag
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
ohh. okay.
ἔρως17mo ago
<span><p> [...] </p></span> <-- this type of stuff shouldn't exist at all just do the basics first put this as version 0.1 alpha now start on 0.2 alpha
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
okay. i remember doing this because i wanted to style the key and values differently.
ἔρως17mo ago
the paragraph isn't allowed inside the span
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
so the title key would have different style and title value different style.
ἔρως17mo ago
span is for inline text, a paragraph is ... a paragraph
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
oh, okayyy.
ἔρως17mo ago
your code isn't bad, but it's just an accumulation of bad decisions
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
i already thought of this as you said me now, i will use grids which will cut off my wrappers divs, then inside my cards, i will simply have 5 divs aligned with the help of grid. Now inside of the divs, i need to think, how can I optimize them yes i agree. i just need to figure out a better way to style my key value pairs.
ἔρως17mo ago
you shouldn't use a div, as it is a meaningless element it literally has absolutely no meaning at all what-so-ever
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
so what should I use inside the cards? for me as a beginner, its like a general element which works mostly everywhere. thats the only reason i use it.
ἔρως17mo ago
your cards would be better served as an <article> with an <header> tag that has the <h1> title, and the stars and stuff can be just a list you bash into place the content can then be a paragraph with the text
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
okayy, maybe i need to look more into these tags and when to use what.
ἔρως17mo ago
im just giving an example that's a little more semantic it's better than div div div span p div
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Yes. Alright then, i will work on it and try to optimize it and try to be more semantic.
ἔρως17mo ago
just ping me here when you have something basic don't make it flashy, just align stuff
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
Since you read my css, were the classes and id names fine? for someone reading the code? despite using too many divs all i need to know is that was it understandable? the names? i will focus on the alignment and layout and then beautify it. Got it
ἔρως17mo ago
well, i think there's improvement you would benefit from sass you have absolutely useless classes
.starKey {
color: var(--primary);
font-weight: 500;

.forkValue {
color: var(--text);
.starKey {
color: var(--primary);
font-weight: 500;

.forkValue {
color: var(--text);
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
like any example if u remember?
ἔρως17mo ago
i just gave you one all those classes have no value
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
yes, as I told earlier, i wanted to give different styles to each of the key value.
ἔρως17mo ago
they all should be a single class
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
which also lead to using p inside spans
ἔρως17mo ago
but they don't have different colors, they all have the same colors it's just 2 different classes in fact, 1 class and you style the children
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
yeah, now that u pointed it out, it makes no sense as they almost have same styles.
ἔρως17mo ago
almost? 3 of them are exactly the same 1 of them is a bit different, but fits the same
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
the descKey had the width set differently, that was the ony different property. so improvement in classes and id names use more semantic elements and cut out as much elements as I could to layout my stuff. and keep it simple.
ἔρως17mo ago
you can get access to it with :first-child instead
.forks-span {
border-right: 3px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
/* border-bottom: 2px solid black; */
border-bottom-right-radius: 40px;
padding: 15px 40px 15px 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-evenly;
/* border: 1px solid red; */
gap: 10px;
transition: all ease 500ms;
font-size: 30px;

.title-span {
background-color: rgba(62, 62, 62, 0.519);
padding-left: 15px;
width: 240px;


.forks-span {
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;

.issues-span {
padding: 15px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-evenly;

gap: 10px;

.title {
font-family: 'Martian Mono', monospace;
font-weight: 100;
color: var(--text);
/* font-size: 20px; */
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: 500;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
max-width: 250px;


.description-span {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-start;

.forks-span {
border-right: 3px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
/* border-bottom: 2px solid black; */
border-bottom-right-radius: 40px;
padding: 15px 40px 15px 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-evenly;
/* border: 1px solid red; */
gap: 10px;
transition: all ease 500ms;
font-size: 30px;

.title-span {
background-color: rgba(62, 62, 62, 0.519);
padding-left: 15px;
width: 240px;


.forks-span {
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;

.issues-span {
padding: 15px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-evenly;

gap: 10px;

.title {
font-family: 'Martian Mono', monospace;
font-weight: 100;
color: var(--text);
/* font-size: 20px; */
font-size: 30px;
font-weight: 500;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
max-width: 250px;


.description-span {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-start;

im sure all of this can be greatly reduced to just styling all the thingies, then pick the :first-child and style it a bit separatedly and the :last-style as well if you decide to add a "contributors" or "donations" thingy, your design requires a massive re-write with what i said, it requires that you add the html and touch no css at all what-so-ever
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
yes so this way i will have only 1 class for all the similar elements i could also do this with my buttons.
ἔρως17mo ago
you might not even need a class for the cards if you use .card and then style everything inside, then you're set
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
the more you say, the more i can visualize it. I hope I am able to pull it off though, whatever you have said so far.
ἔρως17mo ago
you can if you start by doing it simple just do the cards for now
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
yes, my first goal should be to make the layout simple, with minimum elements and classes. i think this will actually solve most of the problem. yeah sure. Thanks for your time . Tbh i was not expecting such a detailed review and help. Thank u so much.
ἔρως17mo ago
you're welcome this is why i needed the code
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
I actually enjoy learning from other people
ἔρως17mo ago
and disagree with pushing it to a discussion your thingy was just, in short "how to fix this design?"
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
yes, well what other said also was correct but they told in a general way. it was more like how to maintain responsiveness for bigger screens. Since i was also using fixed px values at most of the places.
ἔρως17mo ago
that's not even the biggest issue, by far and i dont consider it an issue entirely
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
alright then. If i close this post, I cannot access it again? because it has a lot of info tbh.
ἔρως17mo ago
yup, you cant just work on it, when post here again
V3X4TI0USOP17mo ago
ἔρως17mo ago
good luck

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