Updating R1 Meta Feeds

Hi all — think we need to update the R1 meta feeds. I ended up catching a 5/15/15 Medicham and spending ~150k stardust in it only to later find out that the R1 now is 15/15/15 due to changes made and that mine was R370. A little frustrating but I get that things change. Just want to highlight the feeds may be out of date so it doesn’t happen to others. Thanks!
4 Replies
b5092y ago
rank 1 is 5/15/15
TruzOP2y ago
Not according to the r1 checkers I've used. (tried posting a link to stadiumgaming, but it was blocked). Also, the CP only gets to 1325 maxed out with these stats. Have also seen videos from a while ago where 5/15/15 was considered r1 so know it was at some point, but seems like something changed. The r1 stats for the others I checked are in line, however
Berg2y ago
Medicham 5/15/15 is rank 370 if you look at stadiumgaming and exclude xl candies meaning at level 40 it only reches 1325cp but if you include xl candies up to lvl 50 the 5/15/15 medicham is r1 with a cp of 1499 at lvl 50 @Truz
TruzOP2y ago
Got tix thanks, @Berg ! Got it*

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