CRON CPU limit free tier

My cron jobs have around 100ms cpu time, and im worried that its impossible to stay on the free tier because of the 10ms max cpu time, i've read somewhere (i dont remember where exactly) that if you have unbundled plan cron jobs get a higher cpu time limit, so im wondering, whats the max cpu time limit on the free tier for cron jobs?
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8 Replies
EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
oh i see, i would need the unbound plan if the cron jobs are 100ms, i see now, thanks :D also you are the same person from yesterday, thanks again lol
Beef2y ago
curious what time of actions youre taking that are executing > 100ms. I run A LOT of logic that averages .8ms
EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
im running the cron event gets the pages of issues of github repository and process it into D1 db my guess is that most of the cpu time is the requests done to github api or doing the last batch of D1 inserts with around 2k rows
Beef2y ago
youre probably right about connecting externally. youre relying on github response times. my logic is local and only references R2 or KV. makes sense. thanks for elaborating
EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
Chaika2y ago
CPU Time, by definition, only includes the time the CPU is active for. Time spend waiting on Io/fetch requests requires no CPU Time, as it's idle. It's what makes bundled pricing cool and unbound pricing a bit more unstable, although that'll just be standard pricing soon It's just a lot of processing it seems. You can do a lot within 10ms of CPU Time, and there's a lot of float too, I think the general idea is if your p50 is below your the CPU Time limit, you're good and won't get cancelled for exceeding resources, not just an instant cut off
EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
yeah the 50th percentile isnt very low
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EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
50th percentile is never below 10ms at least for now, im not sure how it would be in prod and even in prod im not expecting less than 10ms with all the traffic

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