I am getting connection limited even tho i've only done half of my available subrequests

I have a cronjob that runs every 5 minutes, it does 22 subrequests and then a D1 batch, but for some reason only after doing the 22 subrequests its getting an exception with connection limit, graph only shows 22 subrequests, and theres no way ONE single D1 batch uses +27 connections, more over the exception only happens between 2 logs in which they have no subrequests between them, i see the top LOG but not the bottom one
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6 Replies
EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
ohhh so have to use json one at a time, i see i see kinda annoying but good enough ig what about
If a worker’s request handler attempts to call fetch() more than six times (on behalf of a single incoming request) without waiting for previous fetches to complete, then fetches after the sixth will be delayed until previous fetches have finished. A worker is still allowed to make up to 50 total subrequests per incoming request, as before; the new limit is only on how many can execute simultaneously.
from https://community.cloudflare.com/t/2019-9-19-workers-runtime-release-notes-concurrent-subrequest-limit/115546
EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
just to find a way to not make this take a long time
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EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
doing the 1 .json at a time helped :D, thanks, still tryina figure out a way so it doesnt take a long time to load each page as theres a small chance that an element gets added between getting the first and last page and the data is incorrect
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EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
it takes like full 10 seconds to load all the pages NanaThink , i guess i could do just 6 requests at a time that seems to be way faster :D thanks
EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
currently using:
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EXtremeExploitOP2y ago
types definetly helped

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