cloudflared tunnels are gone and down

Hey I'm trying to find all my tunnels on the zero trust platform and I can't see them. Blank page and even creating new tunnels not possible.
8 Replies
Chaika16mo ago
Thanks for reporting! There is known issues with that api: That status page is a bit vague, but we specifically escalated the tunnels api issues as well
Autodrop3d - mmiscool
Hello. This issue is also affecting me. I uninstalled my tunnels server entirely and now it won't reinstall.
Chaika16mo ago
Once it's resolved, it should work. Right now it just seems intermittent, some people report success on restarting tunnels, mine's still broken personally
swidginator16mo ago
Hopefully this is resolved by tomorrow am or my day is gonna be not great.
Chaika16mo ago
Existing tunnels should be working now (and at least from other reports and my own, seem to be fine). The dashboard/etc is mostly fine as well, it has no issues showing tunnels and such. New Tunnels seem broken though You may need to restart your tunnel to get it working again - sudo systemctl restart cloudflared if using systemd. It also may fail to instantly start up, and a few connections may fail, but it should eventually reconnect & start working. Again, just my experience and what others have reporrted though. Offically, Cloudflare said 16 minutes ago in the latest update:
We are also working to improve performance to fully restore Warp, Streams, Images, Tunnels.
swidginator16mo ago
I havent seen any blips on our tunnel health. Warp and zt is the problem we’re having.
Chaika16mo ago
Ah ok, yea existing tunnel connections were fine, it was just any new tunnel connections would fail/restarting the tunnel wouldn't work. Now it's just brand new tunnels not working, slowly getting there

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