101 Replies
KeithBrown752610mo ago
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KeithBrown752610mo ago
I've designed a font
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird10mo ago
I thought you said you were done with OS dev 💀
anic1710mo ago
KeithBrown75269mo ago
You should now by now that I'm not going to follow through with that
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Lmao True You've said you were gonna stop many times, then I'll get a text or call like "So I started working on my OS again"
KeithBrown75269mo ago
The only thing is I'm not going to dedicate a lot of time because I'm missing a lot of the tools for it (after converting back to windows)
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Limine looks sick
KeithBrown75269mo ago
i honestly is
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
But how hard would it be to make a simple bootloader couldn't be that hard right
KeithBrown75269mo ago
famous last words right there
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
LMAO That'll be the words that haunt me while I sleep
KeithBrown75269mo ago
we'll revisit that in a few years accurate (trust me i know)
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
YEARS!?!?! 💀
KeithBrown75269mo ago
between other prioritys and projects, its probably accurate
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
True, this project would likely be treated like how I treat #bongocat-plus
KeithBrown75269mo ago
yeah think about it ive been working on this for almost 2 years
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
yeahh, but that's without spending a fraction of that time on reading and learning just wtf is happening
KeithBrown75269mo ago
true, and i did kind of abandon it for like 1.5 years
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
I feel that one I abandoned Python for a while but I still say I've been programming in it for 7 years Even though for a good year I didn't program much
KeithBrown75269mo ago
i honestly havent really programming much in the past 4 months wait shit its november 6 months
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Oh god, you've been out of the loop
KeithBrown75269mo ago
school and work :(
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
That's true I still somehow find ways to program silly side projects
KeithBrown75269mo ago
i cant come up with silly side projects
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Though I primarily focus on real world projects now I'm sure you can
KeithBrown75269mo ago
do you not remember how shitty my imagination is?
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
I do, but just choosing some random words can bring some random inspiration Like for example pickle, terminal, ascii create a spinning pickle in ascii stuff like that
KeithBrown75269mo ago
oo, i have yarm i need to fix the world generation with that
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Yeah Wasn't it a simple fix?
KeithBrown75269mo ago
no :(
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Oh, darn. Do you know the reason?
KeithBrown75269mo ago
yeah, i dont know how to use the api
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
I remember talking with you about it Oh Isn't it pretty simple?
KeithBrown75269mo ago
and im to lazy to do math
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
I thought you enjoyed math
KeithBrown75269mo ago
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Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
What's this from?
KeithBrown75269mo ago
ive gotten used to not using a lot of it my osdev repo
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Ah, the 23% makefile stat makes me think this isn't a big project? How far have you gotten with the os?
KeithBrown75269mo ago
not far also, the bootloader is in a tar file so none of that was counted
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Makes sense
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
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Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Bongocat+ 0.7% cmake
KeithBrown75269mo ago
yeah, mine has like 7 c fiels and theyre tiny ish
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Yeah, well this stat is somewhat wrong now, but refactor isn't my main branch so it doesn't calculate it It should have some lua thanks to the stub.lua file regardless, yeah OS Dev seems neat and I've got inspired by JDH
KeithBrown75269mo ago
oh, did i tell you i setup fish in wsl? thats where i got my inspirtation from lol
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Nope, but neat. Fish on top
KeithBrown75269mo ago
just he is smarter than me :sad:
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Have you seen his newest video? It is so cool
KeithBrown75269mo ago
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KeithBrown75269mo ago
no, i havent logged into my other youtube account in a while i should probably do that
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
It's made me want to get into creating game engines Please, it's so worth it I was foaming out the mouth while I was watching it It's amazing
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
The work this guy has done in 4 months is astonishing
KeithBrown75269mo ago
ill haveto watch that at school tmrw my english 4 teachers doesnt teach us shit
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Yes, hell it's so good I'm watching it again Well they're english majors so they didn't want to work as anything else but a teacher I don't blame them
KeithBrown75269mo ago
the funny thing is, hes not. hes ex miliitary and knows none of us seniors gaf
KeithBrown75269mo ago
also, this is going to be good i already know it
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Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
Yes that looks sick too! So many good programming content. It makes me feel dumb at so many points though As they rarely show their failure and the time the spent trying to get things to work as I know for a fact they don't do this stuff first try
KeithBrown75269mo ago
yeah, i agree also
KeithBrown75269mo ago
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KeithBrown75269mo ago
ytf did i use tabs in the osdev code
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird9mo ago
KeithBrown75268mo ago
i forgot makefiles require tabs sigh
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird8mo ago
big sigh
KeithBrown75268mo ago
Im trying to come up with a file format for my bitmap fonts
KeithBrown75268mo ago
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KeithBrown75268mo ago
this is what i have so far
0000-000F ~ File Format Name

0010-001F ~ File Format Magic Numbers
0000-000F ~ File Format Name

0010-001F ~ File Format Magic Numbers
this allows for quick verification that a file is correctly formatted and what it is
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird8mo ago
I don't really have the greatest sense of bitmaps but overall it at least looks neat
KeithBrown75268mo ago
I have added an int to str function that definitely wasn't done 100% by GitHub copilot The good thing is, Copilot's way of doing it was a lot more efficient than what I had in mind It also supports converting to different bases (i.e. Base 16, Base 2, or Base 10. I don't know if it works for other random ones like 3, 8, or 13) Once I recompile the bootloader, imma test some math and see if I can't properly display numbers in the output Also, this page needs a picture so it's getting :mc_cookie:
KeithBrown75268mo ago
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KeithBrown75268mo ago
No, it won't let me add one now :(
anic177mo ago
What code did it give?
KeithBrown75267mo ago
I don't remember I ended up rewriting it
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
Copy the discord link to the image and edit your message
KeithBrown75267mo ago
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
Boom, looks good Any new features on the OS? I'd like to hear what you're working on. I find this project very interesting
KeithBrown75267mo ago
Technically yes, technically no I have created a reverse string algorithm, although it needs some tweaking I have also created an integer-to-string algorithm but still needs some tweaks before they're able to be implemented. The highest thing on the priority list right now is implementing memory and memory paging to allow use of functions such as malloc Because I don't have malloc, I can't add the reverse string function until that's done
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
You need malloc to reverse a string? I have a feelling this isn't true, one second Why can't you just swap the position of the letters in the string so no extra memory allocation is necessary? for example (this should work)
void reverseString(char str[]) {
int length = strlen(str);
int start = 0;
int end = length - 1;

while (start < end) {
// swap the characters at the start and end indices
char temp = str[start];
str[start] = str[end];
str[end] = temp;

// move towards the center of the string

int main() {
char string[] = "Hello, World!";

printf("string: %s\n", string);
printf("reversed string: %s\n", string); // hopefully !dlroW ,olleH

return 0;
void reverseString(char str[]) {
int length = strlen(str);
int start = 0;
int end = length - 1;

while (start < end) {
// swap the characters at the start and end indices
char temp = str[start];
str[start] = str[end];
str[end] = temp;

// move towards the center of the string

int main() {
char string[] = "Hello, World!";

printf("string: %s\n", string);
printf("reversed string: %s\n", string); // hopefully !dlroW ,olleH

return 0;
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
No description
KeithBrown75267mo ago
Because I'm a dumbass My method had me creating another string and then adding the back letter from string one to the front of string two
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
That's not a dumbass lol, but using the space already given and swapping the letters is easier
KeithBrown75267mo ago
let me just copy and paste that rq
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
lmao, don't blame you
KeithBrown75267mo ago
void reverse(char str[]) {
int len = strlen(str);
int start = 0;
int end = len - 1;

char tmp;

while (start < end) {
tmp = str[start];
str[start] = str[end];
str[end] = tmp;


int main() {
char str[] = "Hello, World!";
printf("String: %s\n", str);
printf("Reversed String: %s\n", str);
return 0;
void reverse(char str[]) {
int len = strlen(str);
int start = 0;
int end = len - 1;

char tmp;

while (start < end) {
tmp = str[start];
str[start] = str[end];
str[end] = tmp;


int main() {
char str[] = "Hello, World!";
printf("String: %s\n", str);
printf("Reversed String: %s\n", str);
return 0;
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
Does it work? I assume it does, I mean it runs on my system
KeithBrown75267mo ago
it does on my system whether or not it works in the os is a different story
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
yeah... it should though
KeithBrown75267mo ago
you would think, but the amount of times ive thought the same thing and was wrong is embarassing
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
this code is embarrassingly simple though, if it doesn't work I'll shoot my foot
KeithBrown75267mo ago
i love using printf to debug printf
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
💀 how does that even work
KeithBrown75267mo ago
use a working part of printf to debug the not working part of printf plus some recursion i somehow managed to get myself stuck in a boot loop so im done for the day ill try figuring out what i fucked up tomorrow good news is cookieos now has a working reverse function
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
Anything done while you were eating that McDonalds?
KeithBrown75267mo ago
i made an errno.h
Dumb Bird
Dumb Bird7mo ago
Yummy The temptation to write an operating system when I see development done on this project is crazy high
anic177mo ago
don't you have a puts or fwrite function yet
KeithBrown75267mo ago
I have puts, but don't have fwrite I don't have a file system so I can't really do that yet
anic177mo ago
Good luck then