
(sorry posting here cause just realised i posted ijn wrong channel) been racking my brain for the last like 6 hours trying to get nomachine working, is there anything other than firewalld or selinux stopping port 4000 connecting?
4 Replies
Messaiga2y ago
Hey - did you ever get anywhere with this? I've been looking to set it up but it seems there's a lot of errors when installing it from the tar package. I've heard the RPM package also doesn't work properly when overlayed, but haven't attempted yet Attempted it and I see that the NoMachine server service fails to begin, and you can't check logs because it wants to write logs to a read-only directory I found a thread with some advice on it but lack the knowledge to use the solution presented
Messaiga2y ago
Fedora Discussion
NoMachine server
Has anyone managed to make NoMachine server (or something similar) play nice with Silverblue? I tried to install it as an rpm overlay a while ago, and never quite got it working, and I’m considering revisiting it, but I figured I’d jump out there and ask if anyone has a decent local-network remote desktop solution for Silveblue working? Thanks ...
Messaiga2y ago
submitted an issue to NoMachine to see if they have any thoughts so if I actually get a reply I'll throw it here
ExpandOP2y ago
yeah never did, i encountered the same issue, there was a nixpkgs pr floating around for a while but seems to have gone stagnant just before release, i have no idea how to build nix packages from a pr so i gave up

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