How to use Cloudflare Fonts

Hello, i've read this blog post but I still dont really understand how to setup or even not understand where to setup it.
The Cloudflare Blog
Cloudflare Fonts: enhancing website font privacy and speed
Introducing Cloudflare Fonts. Enhance privacy and performance for websites using Google Fonts by loading fonts from their own origin. Improve user privacy, enhance site performance, and simplify the process. No need for code changes. Simply enable Cloudflare Fonts in your dashboard
2 Replies
Sam2y ago
This product is probably not available yet, it'll be coming this month tho.
Akama Aka
Akama AkaOP2y ago
Ah okay, I thought its already out because I saw some things about it. I dont use workers, but thanks <:AYS_WobblesLaugh:845570950212878366> Yea prob. I overread it or so lol

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