❔ Design Frameworks
Hi , everyone im making a desktop app and i would combine a cool design into it, what frameworks could i use for free?
I was seeing GUNA ui looks amazing but it's paid, have another framework in mind?
8 Replies
Isn't guna for winforms?
Winforms is kinda dead, so leave that alone and go for a real GUI framework, like Avalonia or WPF. They have their own libs.
They are also a lot more customizable when it comes to styling
What should i go for then , instead of winforms to make desktop apps?
im developing it in c#
Avalonia or WPF
as mentioned.
any other choices ?
I already tried both of those and i was looking for something new
If you want strictly desktop, there is also WinUI, UWP.
If you want multiplatform/mobile then Uno or Maui
Avalonia is currently the most recommended
Thanks Pobiega
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