im trayng to install passbolt inside docker that is proxied through nginx proxy manager,

im trayng to install passbolt inside docker that is proxied through nginx proxy manager, using cloudflare cant get it to work it says Bad gateway Error code 502
80 Replies
DeFc0n10mo ago
@Brandon | Support Engineer ya still running it?
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
Yes, it's building. I'm also about to finish my shift, so we're closing things out. Once that's done, I can focus on this exclusively.
DeFc0n10mo ago
this is my 10th time installing passbolt and each time i had to go through this type of deal i have no idea why it dosnt show up in first try
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
ok, when i test it, i get the blank page with the redirected URL @DeFc0n
DeFc0n10mo ago
i think thats normal as the app can only be used in the set url Manual is not clear.
After i wget the yaml file i need to change 3.9 to 3.3 or i’ll get an error.
Where to add variables is not mentioned, and how it should be added too.
No info that if i didn’t change APP_FULL_BASE_URL i’ll get the whine page, who would have known that local ip and local DNS is the different things no matter if we don’t use any SSL.
I left 3 days with guessing how launch this
After i wget the yaml file i need to change 3.9 to 3.3 or i’ll get an error.
Where to add variables is not mentioned, and how it should be added too.
No info that if i didn’t change APP_FULL_BASE_URL i’ll get the whine page, who would have known that local ip and local DNS is the different things no matter if we don’t use any SSL.
I left 3 days with guessing how launch this
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
ok 502 Bad Gateway with openresty shown
DeFc0n10mo ago
hm so its the same error
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
yeah, still poking at it here @DeFc0n i fixed it change the NPM config for passbolt to HTTPS on port 443
DeFc0n10mo ago
DeFc0n10mo ago
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
i'm ashamed it took me that long to figure it out, but yeah when containers access themselves internally, we don't use the published ports
DeFc0n10mo ago
bro, you took a few minutes it would have taken me another 2 days
DeFc0n10mo ago
thank you so much man
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
i haven't messed with my docker stack in so long i legitimately forgot how it worked but yeah
DeFc0n10mo ago
that makes sense,
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
containers talking to themselves internally use the internal port spec, not the published port.
DeFc0n10mo ago
next up for me is wuzah
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
question though, why this and not bitwarden? bitwarden pog
DeFc0n10mo ago
i though it was not self hosted bitwarden as it seems im very wrong lol
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
bitwarden has a selfhosted option there's also an option called Vaultwarden that is written in Rust, is way faster, and completely free. you don't have to pay a $10 license for it like you do with selfhosted BW Same clients and everything
DeFc0n10mo ago
new lets hope i have no issues on mobile @Brandon | Support Engineer thank you so much,
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
you bet
DeFc0n10mo ago
time for bed its 2:30
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
sleep easy
DeFc0n10mo ago
@Brandon | Support Engineer hey brandon, i got the same issue with wazuh, i set the port as 443 still get the same error as pasbolt
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
let's see the compose
DeFc0n10mo ago
on it
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
well two things
DeFc0n10mo ago
that was fast
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
1: this is a separate compose and it's not using the same network as the other set. you need to add
DeFc0n10mo ago
i added the network on the dashboard
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
driver: bridge
external: true
driver: bridge
external: true
and then you need to add
- nginx
- nginx
to each wazuh container and then lastly
image: wazuh/wazuh-dashboard:4.5.2
hostname: wazuh.dashboard
restart: always
- 443:5601
image: wazuh/wazuh-dashboard:4.5.2
hostname: wazuh.dashboard
restart: always
- 443:5601
i don't know if you changed that internal port to 5601, but that's the one you use with the proxy
DeFc0n10mo ago
alright let me test @Brandon | Support Engineer took me awhike, port 443 is in use to i just change it to 4443?
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
i'd start with commenting out that line first and using the port that's specified on the container 5601 in NPM cause containers will still accept internal traffic on the ports. if you comment out a line it's just removing the external port link
DeFc0n10mo ago
yeah didnt work, same error
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
ok, give me some time to mirror the same config again and i'll check on it
DeFc0n10mo ago
of course, thank you.
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
@DeFc0n so looks like wazuh has some prerequisites, files you need to put in place first also, don't be afraid to put everything in one compose file and organize it out. it makes things much simpler unless you define the docker networks first and then add them
DeFc0n10mo ago
that was nicely done,
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
the last one won't run
DeFc0n10mo ago
how do we fix it
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
i just did again it looks like Wazuh has some files that need to be in place before it's started, otherwise it stupidly creates directories with file names. but with everything in the same compose file, there's no network mismatch and you can map it with NPM
DeFc0n10mo ago
im stuck at this issue its throwing errors that i have no idea about i dont know whats wrong with it nevermind i was at the wrong directory @Brandon | Support Engineer wazuh is stuck on loading
`Version: 2.6.0
Build: 45202
Error: Definition of plugin "ganttChartDashboards" not found and may have failed to load.
at read (
at PluginWrapper._callee3$ (
at tryCatch (
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (
at (
at plugin_asyncGeneratorStep (
at _next (
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at PluginWrapper.<anonymous> (
`Version: 2.6.0
Build: 45202
Error: Definition of plugin "ganttChartDashboards" not found and may have failed to load.
at read (
at PluginWrapper._callee3$ (
at tryCatch (
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (
at (
at plugin_asyncGeneratorStep (
at _next (
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at PluginWrapper.<anonymous> (
as it seems it cant connect to the wazuh indexe
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
looks like it might be stuck loading plugins or something but i'll look at the setup again later i don't have the time to find and generate the config files it wants right now
DeFc0n10mo ago
i think you need to run this inside wazuh docker git pull it and modify the docker compose and run it in there thats how i fixed it
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
noted, i can check on it a bit later. i think it's just looking for config files and doesn't find them, at least that's what's happening to me right away.
DeFc0n10mo ago
yes, its fixed by doing that aboce, no idea why you need to do this apparantly you also cant use version 5.8.0 that they have on docker compose
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
because docker doesn't know that it has to create files
DeFc0n10mo ago
it dosnt exist
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
when it runs, it interprets filenames as folder names and creates folders, unless the file already exists
DeFc0n10mo ago
hello brandon, any news?
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
Morning. Not yet, busy days, sorry if i'm keeping you waiting
DeFc0n10mo ago
no problem
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
@DeFc0n where did you get that wazuh config from
DeFc0n10mo ago
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
ok, looks like it's not as simple as just copy paste with this container
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
Deployment on Docker - Installation alternatives · Wazuh documentat...
User manual, installation and configuration guides. Learn how to get the most out of the Wazuh platform.
DeFc0n10mo ago
Comptia a+ expensive man I used to fix pcs when i was 10, i can do that eyes closed
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
lol i still fix PCs occasionally
DeFc0n10mo ago
Its fun Unless you got motherboard issues
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
like my FIL's board.
DeFc0n10mo ago
If i can install arch Linux, pretty sure i can do comptia I need a job lol hence i need that certificate
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
I got a job at Cloudflare without certs dogekek
DeFc0n10mo ago
Thats so nice @Brandon | Support Engineer i created a hosting company, not reseller I had plesk whmcs proxmox Had to learn how to install each Fun times i mostly did it to learn @Brandon | Support Engineer how did you get the job Sorry for ping
DeFc0n10mo ago
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
on a serious note, i put my resume in through a friend who also works for CF, just had a lot of customer service experience and technical knowledge so the interviews were a breeeze
DeFc0n10mo ago
I worked support desk for almost 2 years when i was 16 From 16 too arroubd 18, im 20 now
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
everything counts the most important thing i think to getting your foot in the door is a properly formatted resume
DeFc0n10mo ago
There is an AI for that lol,
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
for example, taco bell counts as customer service experience, technically, but tech orgs don't care about that class of it. yeah but if you use an AI to generate your resume, what else are you slacking on 🤔
DeFc0n10mo ago
I worked 1 year as devops aswell Not sure if it counts as devops doe I programmer a website in nextjs and used a vps to host it using nxing and using CF for cert Tru tru @Brandon | Support Engineer is there an application form?
Brandon | Cloudflare TSE
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