Mutli-step Form Resources
Hey guys, anybody know any javascript libraries for multi-step forms? Something like
(I tried formly but it doesn't play nice with Hubspot it seems. The form submissions weren't going through and it would just reload the page on submit)
What I'm really looking for is form validation, preferrably a solution that validates each step before it lets the user progress.
I came across this solution on GH:
Only thing is it would tell me " $(".msf:first").multiStepForm() is not a function " when I tried running the code
Anybody know any alternatives for me to check out?
5 Replies
No I don’t know of any 🥺. I actually had the same problem with formly. I think Dimitris built something called Superform but not sure what happened with it.
[PRODUCT] Superform - Next-gen Form Library
[PRODUCT] Superform - Next-gen Form Library - Webflow
🚀 Excited to announce Superform, our first in-house product – a next-gen library for building customizable forms inside Webflow without code, featuring Advanced Validation, Custom Errors, Logic, Step Teleport, Dynamic Outcomes and more! ⚡Try it now: 🧵
🎨 Customizable Design
🔍 Advanced Input Validation
🚶 ...
There was some drama around the release but it looked cool to me 😅
Side note - want to build our own multistep form library? 😆
Oh yeah superform!
I remember that.
Thanks let me try it out
I'd actually be down.
I was already creating a multi-step form from scratch and thought of dropping a message in here😂
I’ve made a few custom ones already. Been thinking on how to make a Webflow app out of it.