How to allow customers to use custom domain?

For example, I have my application hosted on Cloudflare worker with domain and each customer get their subdomain on signup with wildcard routing - For example How can I use Cloudflare to allow our customers to map their domain via CNAME mapping? For example - - > - > I will use D1 to store mapping when reigstered by customers, also the HTTPS expected to work on all links.
5 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
Cloudflare for SaaS · Cloudflare for Platforms docs
Cloudflare for SaaS allows you to extend the security and performance benefits of Cloudflare’s network to your customers via their own custom or …
VikashOP2y ago
It seems I can use it in Pro plan? Any documentation for this feature?
Hello, I’m Allie!
The page I linked is the root of the docs
Chaika2y ago
Specifically, using Workers with Cf for SaaS requires a specific setup with routes: This will issue a cert. for each custom hostname, allowing https to work. The only thing to keep in mind is they can only do it on their apex (, if they are using a DNS Provider that supports CNAME on apex, like Cloudflare, or Hurricane Electric. Otherwise, apex proxying is an enterpise addon (or they'd have to pick a subdomain like You get 100 custom hostnames for free, any over that is $0.10/per hostname/per month
VikashOP2y ago
Ok, thanks. I will start testing it

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