C#2y ago

❔ Comparing Types using local var Type type

Hello, I am trying to write a method comparing types to clean up my code. I am trying to use a single method to sort through a list and pull out specific elements by type. (type being a child class of the lists type)
10 Replies
DillyOP2y ago
private void DispType(Type type) {
foreach(var item in inventory) {
if (item is type) {
//Do stuff
private void DispType(Type type) {
foreach(var item in inventory) {
if (item is type) {
//Do stuff
type in this case would be a class (ex: Helmet) which is a child of 'Item' and the list is List<Item>...
Tarcisio2y ago
You can't use the pattern matching dynamically like that but what you can do is use a little bit of reflection Search on how to use the IsAssignableFrom But I'm a bit concerned about your end goal You're aware that you can use list.OfType<Helmet>(), right? Although if this is a game linq might not be your ideal solution
DillyOP2y ago
well that was easy lol
Tarcisio2y ago
is this a game?
DillyOP2y ago
yes, would that be a big problem? I guess I could use a overridable var within the child classes to do the check instead of type checking if that would be safer / better for a game would there be an easy way to check my previous code for linq statements to refactor?
Tarcisio2y ago
I mean Linq can be slow which version of .net are you using I'd benchmark OfType and a simple foreach loop or just write your own OfType based on Linq's implementation, but stop taking an IEnumerable and take a List sure
DillyOP2y ago
looks like 2.1
Tarcisio2y ago
hmm honestly that now going to bed gn
DillyOP2y ago
sounds good, thank you for your help! gn
Accord2y ago
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