C#16mo ago

❔ filtering using dapper

Here is my function public async Task<List<string>> GetNotExistBarcodes(IEnumerable<string> barcodes) { var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.AddTable( parameterName: "@barcodes", dataTableType: "[app].[udt_ProductCompare]", values: barcodes); var sql = $@" SELECT bc.[Barcode] FROM @barcodes AS bc WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT [Id] FROM [app].[MasterProduct] AS mp WHERE mp.[Barcode] = bc.[Barcode] ); "; var query = await WithDbConnection(conn => conn .QueryAsync<string>( sql: sql, param: param, commandType: CommandType.Text)); return query.ToList(); } here is the User defined Table Type IF TYPE_ID('[app].[udt_ProductCompare]') IS NOT NULL DROP TYPE [app].[udt_ProductCompare]; CREATE TYPE [app].[udt_ProductCompare] AS TABLE ( [Barcode] nvarchar NOT NULL UNIQUE ) am getting this error any one can help me out with this "There are not enough fields in the Structured type. Structured types must have at least one field"
2 Replies
GaSkia16mo ago
are u programming on windows? if that the case I suggest u to create an appdata folder and put inside it a dateset connected to the db u r using
Accord16mo ago
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