How do smooth Dr Martens age?

I got a new pair, and whilst I love them, I always prefer if boots look a little worn in and roughed up. The smooth finish on these makes them look kinda pristine. Do they age much?
7 Replies
DeafIdiotGod2y ago
Yeah you'll get some pretty visible creasing after a while. After even longer the leather might split in places.
plyisytwy2y ago
My docs have cracked where the creasing formed. Might want to use a shoe tree to try and avoid that.
briquebrutale2y ago
the smooth leather docs don't age terribly well depending on how often you wear them and in what conditions. they are heavily coated in a plastic finish, which makes it impossible to care for the leather underneath. one of the reasons why I would never buy new docs, I only ever thrift them, as I do like the look of them.
DeafIdiotGod2y ago
Solovair's hi-shine leather may hold up for longer but it has the same fundamental problem
briquebrutale2y ago
Solovair's hi-shine is really not that much better; just go for the full-grain options.
raisinpie2y ago
Seconding that they don't age well the way other leather shoes do. My smooth 1460s are 4 years old, have been beat to shit, and have no cracks so ymmv.
Mullet Brando
Mullet Brando2y ago
also got some docs. can confirm theyve aged terribly. that weird plasticky finish has flaked off on both toes, revealing the real shit quality leather underneath. theyre still pretty comfy shoes and im gonna wearvthem to death, but that seems pre close after 1.5 half years of wear. also im an idiot and spent like 300 dollars on a new pair cause they were special edition of some shit you live and you learn

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