cf worker spamming problem
hello, I have a problem with cf worker
I have made an receiver to receive messages from my website then forward this message to my webhook but sometimes I get a lot of spamming messages which sent through my worker link so is there any way to prevent that spam without using a rate limiting ? I wanna the worker only recive messages from my website
10 Replies
this is my worker.js code

spam I got
I wanna the worker only recive messages from my websiteThere's not really a magical perfect solution for this, fundamentally if a client can do it through a website, then it's possible to script it or automate it. You can make it harder though
without using a rate limitingWhat do you mean without using rate limiting? I see you already have some rate limiting in place, but it's a bit flawed. Using globals like you are is restricted to that single worker instance, which only lives on a single server. Worker Instances aren't long lived, and whichever machine requests end up getting routed to, will just spin up another worker instance if there isn't one. There is free unmetered rate limiting, which you can use to set 1 per 10s for example, it's per colo/cloudflare location but at least it's colo-wide.. If you want to try to prevent spam, I would set up turnstile on your form, and force people to solve it first and verify it in your worker. Example: It's not impossible to get around, but it raises the difficulty
If you want to try to prevent spam, I would set up turnstile on your form, and force people to solve it first and verify it in your worker. Example: It's not impossible to get around, but it raises the difficultyI dont want people to solve anything but the website sends the message automatically without the visitor know about is there a way to make it not sending the here``` mentions or a specific word I select ?
That is a Discord API Question. You can build an embed where no mentions would work/notify people, or the webhook api also supports the
property where you can disallow all mentions. The reason why they can make those custom embeds is because you have no protection/security around what you pass to the webhooki am using a webhook not API
I dont want people to solve anything but the website sends the message automatically without the visitor know aboutTurnstile has an invisible mode where it would just silently fail if it thinks the user is a bot, or it has an interaction-only mode where it only forces them to click if it thinks they're a bot. Otherwise, you're kind of asking for a magical solution that doesn't really exist, if a user can do it, a bot/program can do it, all you can do is raise the difficulty The webhook is an API, the docs for it are here:

avoiding everyone and here mention