Doesnt have the permision to save the file
So I have been working on a Window Application and start working on a way to save the settings in a file.
When I tried creating and saving this file by using
I get the error that it doesnt have the right permissions for that.
What should I do to fix that?
17 Replies
use your program in admin
I runned VS in admin but that doesnt fix it
can you post the code
The exact function I trying to run is as following:
Hoi4ModdingTool is supposed to be a file ?
What does the error says
I my lord Im a idiot
I cant get the colors to work once more
it's cs not c#
The folder
because the things are 2 u missed the @
Ssstt I dont know what your talking about 😅
and the other I forgot beucase I'm dumb
your supposed to give the file name
So I compleetly miss understood the function? Cool, but than how do you save it in a specific folder?
doc.Save("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Hoi4ModdingTool\\Foo.xml");
Ah in that way
ofcourse that makes sense
let me test it out