Quirky numbers in javascript

When I add 0.01 it instead adds something odd.. How can I solve this?
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47 Replies
SeppeB13mo ago
pretty sure this is some problem with floating points and bits, don't know exactly how it works, but it's something like, you can't have .5 bits. This is a dummy script i found on StackOverflow that identifies the problem function test() { var x = 0.1 * 0.2; document.write(x); } test(); this will result in 0.020000000000000004. it's just because the precision in the floating points isn't that great. Here is the explanation if you're interested: https://stackoverflow.com/a/588014 Sadly there is no one way to fix it (as far as i know)
Stack Overflow
Is floating point math broken?
Consider the following code: 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 -> false 0.1 + 0.2 -> 0.30000000000000004 Why do these inaccuracies happen?
Brightie13mo ago
Then how can I fix my code? It needs to add 1 more 0.01 but it doesnt bc of that floating point bits stuff Is there maybe something I can change in its parameters for triggering this? else if((equalizer + 0.01) <= difference && (cid[0][1] - change[0][1]) >= 0) {change[0][1] += 0.01; equalizer += 0.01;} This is the line of code for every numberadding Basically CID exists of a so called virtual cash register in this exercise thing So it has a set value in it And I need it to give change if possible, starting w highest count to lowest Everything is working fine up until this point xd The second bit of my IF statement is just to make sure it doesn't add too much As in a previous test I noticed it only has 60 of TWENTY Yet it tried to give 80, so I made it check if it is possible by subtracting whats already been given from whats in cid What if I put a fixed 2 decimel? So basically, what I am asking, is there a way that I can tell my code round up to x,xx I think that would do the trick tho I am not certain, maybe it still keeps track of all thats behind it
SeppeB13mo ago
if it's only adding and subtracting, you can try to use parseFloat(yournumber).toFixed(2) i don't think it keeps track, but i don't know for sure.
Brightie13mo ago
oh, xd this is literally what I sked, alright one sec lemme give it a try
dys 🐙
dys 🐙13mo ago
parseFloat takes a string.
Brightie13mo ago
so I should just do n.toFixed(2) with n standing for number?
SeppeB13mo ago
pretty sure it also works for a number
Brightie13mo ago
well I(ll give both ways a shot, give me a moment I'm going to apply it to every adding in this function
SeppeB13mo ago
but yeah, it was some oversight on my part
dys 🐙
dys 🐙13mo ago
What's the point though? You're converting a number to a number.
SeppeB13mo ago
my bad indeed, it was a brain fart moment xd
Brightie13mo ago
well um... I don't think toFixed() did the trick, both with float and just number only
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dys 🐙
dys 🐙13mo ago
.toFixed(x) will return a string. You can do Number(x.toFixed(2)).
Brightie13mo ago
Number as in calling the object Number or Number as in myNumber ? or is the x representing myNumber ,
SeppeB13mo ago
x is in this case your myNumber, Number is used to parse it back to a number.
Brightie13mo ago
computer said no :(
Brightie13mo ago
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Brightie13mo ago
Number.parseFloat(x).toFixed(2) <-- did not work either
SeppeB13mo ago
no, the parseFloat was a mistake on my part
Brightie13mo ago
Yes I know, but with this new Number.toFixed I went ahead and looked things up, on the MND it showed Number.parseFloat(x).toFixed(2) it does not work
SeppeB13mo ago
what happens when you try parseFloat(x.toFixed(2))
Brightie13mo ago
Yet here it works? oh I get the same outcome as I get now, which is: [ [ 'TWENTY', '020.0020.00' ] ]
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Brightie13mo ago
its supposed to be 60 btw... But I get that jumbled mess of 0's and 2's
SeppeB13mo ago
wait, what are you logging?
Brightie13mo ago
The entire array of that for loop so if it works correctly it basically shows this here: (one sec [ [ 'TWENTY', 60 ], [ 'TEN', 20 ], [ 'FIVE', 15 ], [ 'ONE', 1 ], [ 'QUARTER', 0.5 ], [ 'DIME', 0.2 ], [ 'PENNY', 0.03 ] ]
SeppeB13mo ago
You can try equalizer = Number( (equalizer + 20).toFixed(2))
Brightie13mo ago
but penny is supposed to be 0.04 as the change is smth witha 4 in the end But due to those number glitching out, when the first penny is added it adds to 69.9999999999999999999 instead of 70 and some other numbesr are jumbed messes too but thats behidn the screens for some reason
Brightie13mo ago
Here is the value of equalizer everytime
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Brightie13mo ago
It gives it at one strange point anfor some reason it doesnt add the final penny or it adds it incorrectly maybe its like 0.039999 but the 999 hidden idk man bc it does trigger 4 times but it doesnt show 0.04 even tho you would expect 0.04 if you do 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01
SeppeB13mo ago
can you try to add a line to the end of the for-loop equalizer = Number(equalizer.toFixed(2)); right after the else statement just to see if it will change the equalizer there
Brightie13mo ago
Well that has solved the weird .999 its getting However penny is still at 0.03 which is odd, its written exactly the same as every other
ἔρως13mo ago
don't make your math with decimal numbers, if you need it to be accurate just use integers then, when you need to present the number, divide by 100
Brightie13mo ago
But the thing is, this is representing money Money in essence is euros, cents or dollars, whatevers there or other ways
ἔρως13mo ago
don't try to fix it, you can't forget it, really 0.1 + 0.2 is not 0.3 you can't fix that just use integers then divide by 100 to get the number you want you can use the .toFixed(2) method after, as explained before
Brightie13mo ago
The issue is tho, the source is already using decimals... xd so while your idea is valid it can't be used sadly as I don't choose what I start with
ἔρως13mo ago
you're sol
Brightie13mo ago
I am what?
ἔρως13mo ago
Sol Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Sol definition, the syllable used for the fifth tone of a diatonic scale. See more.
ἔρως13mo ago
6/9 definition so, basically, you're in trouble multiply by 100 then round it it should get rid of the floating point error the problem with floating point numbers is that 0.3 doesn't exist, but it is actually 0.299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875 and 0.1 + 0.2 is not 0.3 but 0.3000000000000000444089209850062616169452667236328125
Brightie13mo ago
what a pain
ἔρως13mo ago
it is a pain, but it's the best that computers can do, currently besides doing math with strings if you multiply by 100, javascript automatically does some sort of black magic and returns an integer in the cases where it doesn't, then rounding it will give you the closest value to what you actually intended then, you do your math with integers only it should be fine, as long as it is below Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (currently 9007199254740991)
Brightie13mo ago
.. Nah, I'm done This is just black magic at this point, some sorcery beyond sorcery o wait, hold on maybe im just crazy
ἔρως13mo ago
maybe maybe not
Rägnar O'ock
Rägnar O'ock13mo ago
When doing computations that needs to be accurate to a given precision (a hundredth here) you should do all your operations on integers and divide/multiply at the end to get the desired precision. See it as operating on cents here instead of dollars (or whatever money you are supposed to work with). Similarly, when you have to be precise to the hundredth of cent (like when computing taxes on small amounts) you should only handle cents as hundreds (100=1c, 10000=1[$£€]) TL;DR: don't use floats (non-integer values) if possible
ἔρως13mo ago
you said exactly what i said before but way better explained
Rägnar O'ock
Rägnar O'ock13mo ago
Not gonna lie... I didn't read the whole thread
ἔρως13mo ago
i know
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