Wildcard domain and SRV records

Hello, I’m wondering about wildcard domain since I find wildcards super helpful but I also need to have an SRV pointing to a specific place and this is relating to Minecraft and minehut since you need to point your domain towards your minehut.gg server and that requires an srv record which makes wildcard useless but I’m curious if there is a workaround so I can utilize both?
12 Replies
DarkDeviL2y ago
You can (re-)create the "surrounding" records that would otherwise be missing due to the SRV, as well as the relevant record at the same level as the SRV. Assuming you point your wildcard towards AAAA 100::, and play.example.com towards mimehut, something like e.g.:
*.example.com AAAA 100::
play.example.com SRV ...
play.example.com AAAA 100::
*.play.example.com AAAA 100::
*.example.com AAAA 100::
play.example.com SRV ...
play.example.com AAAA 100::
*.play.example.com AAAA 100::
What does an AAAA do? I have never used it 😦
DarkDeviL2y ago
AAAA records leads to IPv6 addresses (e.g. 2001:0db8::0123:4567), where A records leads to stone age IPv4 addresses (e.g. 100:: is a part of the reserved 100::/64 subnet (literally providing all the addresses between 100::0000:0000:0000:0000 - 100::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff ), which is a special "discard" prefix that only IPv6 has. Although the name suggests "discard", that one is very useful for e.g. host names where you only need Cloudflare's edge to take care of for example redirects, where you don't need Cloudflare to touch your sever behind the stage, leaving it alone. E.g. "origin less" set ups. In the above example, you should simply substitute the "AAAA 100::" with the record(s) you may already have (e.g. for *.example.com).
why would i need to use IPv6? 🤔
DarkDeviL2y ago
To avoid staying in the Stone Age. "e.g.", meaning "for example", the above sentence In the above example... It is simply an illustration that the same record you already have for the wildcard, would be the one to copy to the same label as where the SRV reside, as well as *.play.example.com (assuming you use the play label, with play.example.com.). If you had provided your domain, a list of your current records, what exact record mimehut asked you to add, ... and so forth, it would have been possible to give you the exact directions - instead of just fictitious examples.
okay, I added a IPv6 onto my dedi and added it as an AAA record with my domain okay, I did Type: AAAA Name: @ Content: 100:: I’m also not sure if Minecraft fully supports ipv6
DarkDeviL2y ago
The AAAA 100:: was only an example, an illustration: If your existing wildcard is:
*.example.com AAAA 100::
*.example.com AAAA 100::
Mimehut asks you to add:
play.example.com SRV ...
play.example.com SRV ...
Tthat SRV record is "destroying" the wildcard for play.example.com, and everything below play.example.com, such as e.g. i.want.to.play.example.com. To fix that, you add a specific record for play.example.com matching your wildcard, as well as for *.play.eaxmple.com, if you need something below play.example.com, such as for example i.want.to.play.example.com for the wildcard to work:
play.example.com AAAA 100::
*.play.example.com AAAA 100::
play.example.com AAAA 100::
*.play.example.com AAAA 100::
You haven't shared your existing DNS record(s), including the wildcard you talked about. As such, assume that existing wildcard is "AAAA 100::", and replace accordingly along the way. If a such example doesn't help you, then ... please share your domain, the list of DNS record(s) you already had set, as well as the exact SRV record that Mimehut ask you to add.
So I can have 100:: for AAA I thought it had to be my IPv6 so cloudflare knows what to look for since cloudflare isn’t locally hosted
DarkDeviL2y ago
The IPv6 part was just an example, if your wildcard, with IPv4 was:
*.example.com A
*.example.com A
then you would have to use A all the way instead of the above example with AAAA 100::. It simply just have to match the target that your already existing wildcard record was holding.
for some reason having an ipv6 isn't working or i'm just configuring it wrong these are my ipv6 which i made myself or the last 4 digits
DarkDeviL2y ago
Again, the IPv6 part was just an illustration / example, - you can simply ignore it and replace that one from the example with your IPv4 address(es).
ye, it works fine with ipv4

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