CF worker with multiple cron trigger using DO alarm
I want to schedule 7 crons in one worker, but worker have validation, we can schedule only 3 crons in one worker.
I want, suggestion, can we do this type of functionality using a DO alarms, if yes how we can do that?
I read DO alarm docs, its seems like we can integrate alarm in API and we can loop alarm in alarm function.
but, for schedule alarms we need to use API for schedule a s. can we automate it like worker cron trigger?
cc @simpson2, @harshilbodara, @ruttvikkheni
9 Replies
@sathoro you mentioned a way of doing this before
@Cloudflare (Server Owner) Is anyone here to guide us? how we can do that.
@Cloudflare (Server Owner) is anyone here to help me?
what have you tried? just use DO alarms
I want to do the every create an alarm every 2 seconds and sets the alarm, when, I am calling the water routes but, I am getting an error
that's not how you create a DO... go read the docs for itty-durable
can you please give me the docs link or exmaple?
Thanks!, for your help
now, i think, it is working fine
Thank you @sathoro !
wrangler deploy --new-class do_class_name
command not working
can you help me with this, I want to deploy new DO class. but facing error
Error: Cannot create binding for class DurableObject that is not exported by the script [API code: 10061]