C#2y ago

❔ Parsing an OData filter string

I have a project that has a mildly complex query requirement. I'm using radzen to build a filter and apply it to a view that acts as my data set. Most everything works fine however when I try to filter by DateTime I get an error Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. This is coming from the end resulting query which directly below. Which has the time portion which I don't need/can't use that way.
, [a].[ProductName]
[dbo].[Products] AS [a]
[a].[SellBy] = '2023-02-05T00:00:00.0000000'
I'm very new to using expressions directly but in my code to convert the OData filter I have

if (IsNullableType(left.Type) && !IsNullableType(right.Type))
if(right is ConstantExpression offset)
if(offset.Value is DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset)
DateTime? dateTime = dateTimeOffset.DateTime;
right = ConstantExpression.Constant(dateTime, typeof(DateTime?));
, [a].[ProductName]
[dbo].[Products] AS [a]
[a].[SellBy] = '2023-02-05T00:00:00.0000000'
I'm very new to using expressions directly but in my code to convert the OData filter I have

if (IsNullableType(left.Type) && !IsNullableType(right.Type))
if(right is ConstantExpression offset)
if(offset.Value is DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset)
DateTime? dateTime = dateTimeOffset.DateTime;
right = ConstantExpression.Constant(dateTime, typeof(DateTime?));
Which gets me the below expression I pass directly to an entity framework where clause which
(Products.SellBy == 9/6/2023 12:00:00 AM)
(Products.SellBy == 9/6/2023 12:00:00 AM)
Then generates the problematic where clause
[a].[SellBy] = '2023-02-05T00:00:00.0000000'
[a].[SellBy] = '2023-02-05T00:00:00.0000000'
OData Query
SellBy eq 2023-09-06T00:00:00.000Z
SellBy eq 2023-09-06T00:00:00.000Z
There is more to the code including a section where I parse the OData query into a OData expression using an EDM which I'm not super familiar with. I left that out for brevity but I can post it if need be.
2 Replies
this_is_pain2y ago
is this coming in a serialized way? don't you have to call DateTime.Parse?
Accord2y ago
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