tunnel TLS handshake suddenly stopped working

I have a tunnel that ran smoothly but failed suddenly, and I’m trying to figure out why. The setup is really simple: a service listens to localhost:$port, nginx sits in front of services & listens 80, and cloudflare tunnel connects http localhost:80. The tunnel's cipher is set to be flexible via webUI - the services doesn't have TLS configs and data in transit is only secured by the tunnel. This worked flawlessly for weeks, and suddenly stopped working. On desktop browser, I get PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR. I do not remember changing things related to nginx/cloudflared during this period. I have updated cloudlfared to the most current version(2023.8.2-1), recreated the tunnel (via webUI then cloudflared install $string) and rebooted the machine, but problem persists. Nginx is version 1.25.2. Cloudflare tunnel reports itself as healthy in the webUI. Nginx reported no error. The MWE nginx service config is the following. This gives PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR on linux desktop firefox and failed connection on a google android's firefox/chrome:
server {
listen 80;
server_name cftest.mydomain.dev;
location / {
default_type text/html;
return 200 "Hello, world!";
server {
listen 80;
server_name cftest.mydomain.dev;
location / {
default_type text/html;
return 200 "Hello, world!";
The MWE looks impossible to me. I must have made dumb mistakes wrt the tunnel. Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.
1 Reply
yamadaOP2y ago
Just in case someone lands on this post later - i got it sorted out. The problem was related to my domain expiring (at another registrar) & DNS issues that were not obvious at the time. After fixing that, tunnels are restored.

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