2 Replies
Chaika2y ago
If you use Zero Trust Dashboard created tunnels, they don't require new API Tokens at all, and you just get a "tunnel secret" which is used. If you need to use the older command line tunnels, the credentials file, usually called `/<Tunnel-UUID>.json, contains the secret for the tunnel. The API token is in cert.pem in your cloudflared folder. You don't need the api token for each tunnel, but you would lose the ability to do anything else then run the tunnel, i.e cloudflared dns, creating new tunnels, etc: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/install-and-setup/tunnel-useful-terms/#certpem
Useful terms · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
New! Set up and manage your Cloudflare Tunnel environment in Zero Trust. You will be able to install cloudflared as a service, create and run tunnels, …
let proger = "Andreii"
thank you, I will update my 50 tunnels

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