Tunnel went error
My Tunnel got redirected to an unknown web site which was not my server
9 Replies
Looks like your Cloudflare account may have been compromised.
Check your Audit Log (Manage Account -> Audit Log) for any unauthorized changes.
If you can't find the redirect being created there, it's most likely either a Single Redirect (within your site in CF Dash, go to Rules -> Redirect Rules, look at Single Redirects) or a Page Rule Redirect (check under Rules -> Page Rules)
how can i avoid it?
Getting your account compromised?
Secure passwords, 2fa/totp:
Securing user access with two-factor authentication (2FA) · Cloudfl...
Two-factor authentication (2FA) allows user account owners to add an additional layer of login security to Cloudflare accounts. This additional …
i found the hacker ip could we block it?
It's probably a vpn/nothing really that useful to you, IPs aren't identities. I would recommend securing your account (change password, add 2fa, etc), and making sure you undo all of the changes they made
oh thx
can i report abuse that phishing website?
if it's using Cloudflare, good idea
If you feel that a site is engaging in illegal or inappropriate activities, you can submit an abuse report at https://abuse.cloudflare.com/. The Trust and Safety team will then review the details and reply if appropriate. You can also report the site to your relevant local authorities. Reports cannot be filed via Discord or individual employees.
it is lol