Error "isSelectQueryBuilder" while using doUpdateSet on conflict
Hello, I get an error when dealing with an update object factory for
expression during an on conflict statement for an insert.
From my experiments, if the select type of the column is different (not assignable to) the insert/update types than something breaks at the type level and gives me an error
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This works fine instead, if the select type matches the insert/update type:
takes the select
type, but updated_at
expects the update type. That's an issue but I don't know how to fix it. You can cast the reference using $castTo
I'd configure the driver to always rerturn strings for dates. The Date
type causes so many issues.
You can also fix this by making update and insert accept Dates specific usecase doesn’t have Date and string. I have a jsonb column and pg underneath automatically transform that on selections to a json-like data structure which comes handy. But when updating/inserting, if it comes from json-like primitive data structure like a string or a number it doesn’t get encoded back to json on the pg level, so the database is getting a normal varchar/text parameter which if not properly json encoded will throw an error trying to work with jsonb columns
So I ended up asking for non primitive values in the insert and update types of the column
That caused the error
I’m assuming since eb.ref reference a column for example that you grab the select type of the given in memory table where the referenced column is, the excluded table in this case
I agree that sounds difficult to fix without reworking a ton of stuff or adding some special nuances to the on conflict bit
From my understanding whenever you’re working with in database operations like the update set clause within an on conflict the type of the value you expect needs to be the update one. But eb.ref get the select one coming from the excluded.col right?
Wait a second, the excluded table get added in the db type for the onConflictBuilder based on the schema of the to be modified table, but it should really be typed based on the actual values table I'm putting in the values expression, or not?
Also, giving the ability to reference excluded columns which are not part of the values expression result in NULL being set for those columns during the do update set, which is not what you'd expect it to do I guess.
As an example:
what if we introduce
and $castAsInsertType