is it safe to re-route DNS to another pages project?

Hi there. I have two pages projects, let's call them "" and "". For the project "" I recently added a custom domain. My DNS entry looks like CNAME | | I'd like to know if it is safe to change this DNS entry to point to "" project CNAME | | When I am trying to do that, dashboard says
Confirm Change Changing the DNS target will reroute traffic to the newly defined origin and will disable any settings or services that are currently being utilized through the provider. Are you sure you want to make this change?
But I don't really know what does that mean.
4 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
If it isn’t in the custom domains panel for bbb, then it will not resolve
sumerokrOP2y ago
Thanks for the answer. Is it possible to add the same custom domain for bbb, then change the DNS record and then remove the custom domain from aaa? Or how can I make this change seamless? Let me ping you, @HardAtWork. Not trying to push it, just want to make sure that you have seen my last question.
Hello, I’m Allie!
Hold on Yeah, it should automatically which is authorized over, though you may have to edit the DNS record manually
sumerokrOP2y ago
Nice, will give it a try then. Thanks! 👍

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