Why is a TextNode in the dom 20 px high when its set to 1rem/16px?

Hello people! I recognized that pure TextNodes in the dom have a box size of 20px height. See the first screenshot. The box of the text grows larger than its content. This causes my button to look not appealing, as even though I have set it to flex and centered it vertically, it still looks like the text is a few pixels too near to the bottom line. And then there is another thing: When zooming in, the actual center line changes. See the second screenshot. I know this is probably caused by how images are rendered by the browser and that such a rendering process is a very complex thing and nearly impossible to do it perfect. But is there anything I can do about that? Especially about that the image and the text dont look centered. Look closely and you can see that the bottom line of the TextNode box aligns with the bottom of the image. Ironically other buttons texts align with the top. But they all have the same css rules applied. See third image. I cant live with this inconsistency, please help.
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41 Replies
Joao2y ago
Maybe the line-height has something to do with it as well. Since it can accept just plain numbers as a multiplier, try to set it to 1.
WonderbearOP2y ago
Its set to 1 already
ἔρως2y ago
can you show the computed styles?
WonderbearOP2y ago
Which exactly?
ἔρως2y ago
all there shouldnt be that many
Joao2y ago
Probably best if you share the code through codepen so that we see the issue easily
WonderbearOP2y ago
I mean of which element? The surrounding button? And they're many
ἔρως2y ago
whatever element has the text
WonderbearOP13mo ago
Bumping because I have pretty much the same problem again xd
ἔρως13mo ago
you still havent shared a minimal reproducible example of your issur
WonderbearOP13mo ago
Sorry :D Wait!
WonderbearOP13mo ago
https://svelte.dev/repl/f0684183a75f4d139ac7f60affb63a7c?version=4.2.10 For some reason it is better aligned in the reproduction... I cant reproduce it perfectly...
alignment issues • REPL • Svelte
Cybernetically enhanced web apps
Darryll13mo ago
with line-height: 1 it's 16px tall The difference is likely the font-family, a lot of fonts are a bit wonky when it comes to alignment and sizes so sometimes you need to compensate
WonderbearOP13mo ago
Oh, I didnt consider the font family at all. I "kind of" fixed it by adding transform: translateY(50%) which is kinda hacky, but it works
Darryll13mo ago
Yeah the font family issue isn't super intuitive but you'll run into it a lot as you work with more fonts. There might be a better solution but I haven't really looked into it, I only really tend to have the issue on buttons which I just adjust padding on since every button would normally have the same font anyway.
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell13mo ago
Fonts also include space on the top and bottom for things like accents and decenders, so font-size will never equal the height. They are working on some things that will allow you to trim off that empty space, but it's likely at least a year away, if not more, based on what I've heard.
MarkBoots13mo ago
I think line-height: 1cap should take care of that
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell13mo ago
It's still super inconsistent, sadly.
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Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell13mo ago
The joy of line-height being from the vertical middle of the "paint" area of a font, so it ends up being the cap height, but in this case, slightly offset down because of how the font uses it's space. Other fonts could be the opposite of this, and for a lot, it'll work pretty well. The new controls we'll eventually get will "trim" off where we tell it to, so we can say the cap, or the ex, or whatever the accent space is called, and also have the same control on the bottom, for baseline, descender, and that type of thing. I'm not sure if I included that bit with my interview with Jen Simmons because we talked about it for like 20min 😅, but I sat in on one of the working group discussions about the new spec last year, and it was complicated then, and since then they've realized there are even bigger consequences to what they're trying to do... so they want to make sure to do it properly, meaning it's dragging out a lot. Luckily, margin-trim was separated and shipped, since originally it was going to be part of the same proposal.
ἔρως13mo ago
this might sound incredibly stupid, but, why don't you use svg? it can center the text based on it's actual size, and you can make the text fit whatever space you need as well
Zoë13mo ago
If the font is known you can also just translate it, and use em, it is magic numbery but 🤷‍♀️
ἔρως13mo ago
i prefer the svg option but that works too
WonderbearOP13mo ago
svg for what?
ἔρως13mo ago
for this thats an <image> and a <text> element if you're extra smart, it's actually a <symbol> and a <text> once you need to replace all the logos because, say, twitter changed its logo to a single character, you can just replace in a single place and be done
WonderbearOP13mo ago
You mean I should use an inline svg? Instead of a loaded one?
ἔρως13mo ago
im saying that you should try using an svg for that instead of trying to mess with font sizes and stuff
WonderbearOP13mo ago
Oh you mean the entire text should be included in the svg?
ἔρως13mo ago
no, a new inline svg or, make a new svg and include it as a symbol
WonderbearOP13mo ago
The test should be svg? That sounds inaccessible
ἔρως13mo ago
its text if you do it inline, it behaves kinda like a span
Darryll13mo ago
If you're never using that font anywhere else on the website it probably should be an SVG as why enqueue an entire font for that (As you would with most logos, add the text via alt attribute) If you're using that font for multiple different things there's not much point adding a whole svg to solve the issue once when you need to solve it dynamically across a lot of elements
ἔρως13mo ago
"a whole svg" you make it sound like an svg is massive and cumbersome to use
Darryll13mo ago
A "whole svg" isn't massive or resource intensive but it is cumbersome in the situation I mentioned. Say you want to edit how the font displays slightly, instead of adding 1 line of css adjusting e.g letting spacing or colour to all instances across the website you now have to export the svg, edit it externally, import it back, do the same thing for all the other ones you've added There's just not much point. A unnecessary font file however I would be happy to remove from a website so if it's used very rarely I would lean toward SVG
ἔρως13mo ago
you know that you can make it inherit the parent font, right? i would be extremely surprised if it didnt inherit the font already
WonderbearOP13mo ago
An svg would probably work in this case. But I have other issues with font alignment that dont involve svgs
ἔρως13mo ago
if you're trying to make everything pixel perfect, that's going to be an uphill battle that never ends
Zoë13mo ago
The best you can do is scale everything 10x, find the correct shift in em lh ex cap etc, so that it is unquestionably perfect, it minimises the error, and scale it back down. If it still doesn't look correct, you've tried, text is difficult. If you're using it for branding, which you are you should just use an SVG. I'm aware from what I can see that you have this as a list to social networks and related sites and so the following isn't necessarily useful for this circumstance but might also be worth knowing: It's always worth looking at how brands want you to use their logos. You're trying to link to Amazon you can go to their brand guidelines and you can't use "amazon" but you can use "available at amazon". Their guidelines say that they would prefer you to use the "available at" logo unless the text is too small, and you're at 16px so that would be allowed to still use text, but if you could go bigger (such as if this was a product page), it might be worth using that
b1mind13mo ago
SVG editing is just code too fyi ... So Darrylls point of it being a "task" is kinda moot. To edit<text> you would just open in the editor and change it like any html element Also a sprite so you could just repeat with <use> just depends on the needs.
ἔρως13mo ago
^ and with ... i cant spell the name's suggestion of using the assets provided by amazon, you should have even fewer problems and actually should consider the symbol-use route
Zoë13mo ago
Can't spell my name? z-
ἔρως13mo ago
oh, just that? yeah, i will remember that

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