Can't modify immutable headers seen while trying to navigate into different paths of the website

So what I am basically doing is we have a react application and a webflow app. We are trying to keep the home page and some of the paths like /blog, /pricing from the webflow. The webflow application is working fine on the home page or on / path but issue occurs when I try to navigate to other paths of the webflow application. The application works fine with react application and path routing also works fine, But issue is seen with webflow application. I though it was the issue with webflow so I have the paid plan and the custom domain navigated to my domain. But still immutable headers is seen. When I removed this message then 404 cloudflare page is seen when I try to navigate into it,
5 Replies
lookie02OP2y ago
This is the code snippet addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) async function handleRequest(request) { const url = new URL(request.url) // Paths that should be routed to Webflow const webflowPaths = ['/pricing', '/blog', '/products'] if (url.pathname === '/') { // Serve the Webflow site for the root path return fetch('https://webflow.application', request) } else if (webflowPaths.some(path => url.pathname.startsWith(path))) { // Modify 'host' header to your Webflow site for other Webflow paths request.headers.set('Host', 'web-flow.application') return fetch(request) } else { // If not a Webflow path, route to your React app const reactAppUrl = 'https://react.application + url.pathname return fetch(reactAppUrl, request) } }
Cyb3r-Jak32y ago
You need to clone the request to set new headers. See but instead of response it will be request
Alter headers · Cloudflare Workers docs
You can also use the custom-headers-example template to deploy this code to your custom domain.
lookie02OP2y ago
The issue seems revolved when I run it through the worker site but when I run it through custom domain. It shows 502 bad gateway error. I dont know what is going wrong. This is my worker site and everything is going right, giving me 200 status. But when I go through the same worker in custom domain. Its not working and 301 redirecting it to the webflow application which i do not want.
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lookie02OP2y ago
When I curl for the sub domain linked with the worker, it redirects me to the webflow site But when I curl the same worker site, it gives me this result
No description
No description
lookie02OP2y ago
I don't know there are two different status for the same worker ha ha my subdomain throws 301 redirect and the worker throws 200 status and is working fine

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