Migrated website but getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

Last night I brought one of my existing domains (gotilde.com) under CF and added one of the sample apps (Dark Sky) however I'm still unable to load the page. I've updated the nameservers to miguel and emerie + flushed the cache. Is there something else I should try? Thank you
5 Replies
parapenguin.2y ago
the name servers look like they've been setup correctly. but it doesn't look like there are any DNS records
Chaika2y ago
added one of the sample apps (Dark Sky) however I'm still unable to load the page.
What do you mean you "added one of the sample apps" Are you talking about Cloudflare Apps? If so, you need some record to exist for Cloudflare to work/requests to hit Cloudflare on a specific hostname, if you just want to use Apps/workers/Cloudflare tools without a real origin, add AAAA @ 100:: Proxied under DNS -> Records (fwiw CF Apps are semi-dead as well, I would avoid if possible)
dOP2y ago
Yes, it's a Cloudflare App from the dashboard. I just picked something random to test it. I'm adding the DNS records now.... I got misled by the UI as the notification "✅ Add an A, AAAA, or CNAME record for www so that......" has a check in from of it and led me to believe I had added this already 🤦 I'm getting a 522 now
Chaika2y ago
yea, looks like that app is just meant to transform the response from an existing page and not standalone. Again, I wouldn't use CF Apps if possible
dOP2y ago
Okay, I'm uninstalling it now. Thanks for letting me know I should avoid those Thank you for all your speedy assistance!!!

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