make container only accessable through tunnel
Hey, I want to make a paperless-ngx instance, but only want to make it accessable through cloudflare tunnel. does anyone have an idea how i could do that? Maybe through only exposing to
14 Replies
If you can then use docker compose because it lets you route via host name of the container
you mean this?
paperless-ngx/docker/compose/docker-compose.env at main · paperless...
A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents - paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx
wait no that looks wrong
this one i guess:
paperless-ngx/docker/compose/docker-compose.sqlite-tika.yml at main...
A community-supported supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents - paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx
Yeah if you add a cloudflared container to that then you can make the route configuration
what exactly do you mean with that?
If you add something like
you can have the configuration of the tunnel be
in the dashboardmy yml looks like that, but doesn't work
What does your tunnel config look like?
tunnel config?
it's only the token or what do you mean?
If you configured the tunnel in dashboard you need make a public hostname for the URL you want to serve

tunnel logs:
okay i have to learn how to read what people say
didn't configure it to webserver:8000