Hello Tuto,
I'm having the following error.
When I'm using tenancy stuff and trying to use them together EditProfile is not possible because have a route problem.
Thank you for your help, I think more people can have this same problem.

7 Replies
Well this is strange. I just tried a fresh install with the (almost) the exact settings you have and it worked fine. I couldn't reproduce the error. My panel config

The only difference I can spot is that you are overriding the default Login page class in the
method, so I don't know if you are doing something custom in there. Can you share the contents of Login::class
One other thing I could suggest is to run php artisan view:clear
just to make sure its not a view cache thing.You are not using the ->profile(EditProfile::class) in your example. When you put this one, and click to edit in the right menu you will receive the same error
I found another guy with the some problem in oficial filament discord
Override login is not the problem, the problem is override profile to have a page to edit profile informations, if you are not using tenancy works fine, but with tenancy you will receive the same error
Got it, I'll try some more testing today and let you know what I can find
Sure, I spent almost 3 hours today looking for some solution. By the way, not find something that can help.
I spent some more time with this but could not find a solution ðŸ˜
Have you had any luck?
Not yet, I tried to see on core, the problem is, when we are using de index layout on our EditProfile custom we will receiving this error
I man, the $layout = ……. Index