C#2y ago

❔ Format parsing problem with character collision

Hi everyone, assume I have the following bencode listl4:spam5:helloe (where the last e signifies the end of the list) Apart from reading each element until there is an e which would create code duplication for me, is there any way to easily identify the difference between an e inside of a string and an e as the end of the list object? (or other objects such as integers for that matter)
27 Replies
AsherOP2y ago
int indexOfNextE = str.IndexOf('e', i);
// TODO: add 0 check
BencodeInteger newInteger = DecodeInteger(str.Substring(i + 1, indexOfNextE - 1));
int indexOfNextE = str.IndexOf('e', i);
// TODO: add 0 check
BencodeInteger newInteger = DecodeInteger(str.Substring(i + 1, indexOfNextE - 1));
this is an example of what I mean important to note, here I can be sure that the next e will be the end of the object https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Bencoding <- the format I'm working with
Pobiega2y ago
Not really. bencoding relies on the length of each item, as I'm sure you know the only reason we know that e ends the list is that hello was length-prefixed Does your parser not handle this for you?
AsherOP2y ago
I'm building one from scratch
Pobiega2y ago
Thats fair, but again, why are you not handling this? 😄 Not sure how this would result in code duplication. A simple parser combinator would handle bencoding fairly well I imagine
AsherOP2y ago
well, I have 4 separate functions for parsing each type of object str int dict & list
Pobiega2y ago
sure, yep
AsherOP2y ago
string and int were easy enough obviously but a list can contain a list in which case, I'd prob need to call the function recursively
Pobiega2y ago
Makes sense, yep
AsherOP2y ago
the way I built my functions, they get a substring that they parse in their own way and return (my version) some BencodeObject derived class for example, in the list parse function, this is how I parse a string
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
char c = str[i];

// BencodeString
int j = i;
while(str[j] != ':')

int numCharacters = int.Parse(str.Substring(i, j - 1));

BencodeString newString = DecodeString(str.Substring(i, j + numCharacters));
i = j + numCharacters;
... // rest of the objects
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
char c = str[i];

// BencodeString
int j = i;
while(str[j] != ':')

int numCharacters = int.Parse(str.Substring(i, j - 1));

BencodeString newString = DecodeString(str.Substring(i, j + numCharacters));
i = j + numCharacters;
... // rest of the objects
list is the list that will eventually be returned from this function if that makes sense so assume that i=0 is right where the list starts and i = str.length - 1 is an e that ends the list
Pobiega2y ago
A fairly common approach to parsers is to return two things first the result of the parse (the list, string, int etc) and secondly.. the rest of the string ie, where our parser stopped
AsherOP2y ago
I assume this is where I do i = j + numCharacters but in way of a return statement
Pobiega2y ago
sort of, I guess Let me just say that I'm in no way an expert on parsers, and I've only ever written parser combinators before but its a very neat way of doing it
AsherOP2y ago
I will mention I don't know what parser combinators are but you did give me a different idea
Pobiega2y ago
well, you can google it and I suggest you do, there are plenty of articles and videos on the topic. Its really interesting too, imho
AsherOP2y ago
I was thinking of possibly having a recursive function for every element and it combines it into the root
Pobiega2y ago
but the idea is that we can write a parser that parses a single character and if we combine several of those, we can parse a word etc so you build progressively larger parsers, by combining smaller ones it eventually leads to some very pretty code, where you declare a list as "zero or more valid bencode tokens" and a "bencode token" is declared as "a bencoded list, dictionary, byte, string or int" etc
AsherOP2y ago
that sounds like what I need I'm gonna look at some articles might try my idea aswell but this seems like it's perfectly suited for me
Pobiega2y ago
there is a library for C# called Pidgin that helps you write parsers but its also entirely doable to make something from scratch, if you want to
AsherOP2y ago
I'll see that aswell
Pobiega2y ago
Got it, using Pidgin 🙂
dictionary: d4:spam4:eggs2:hii16ee
spam: "eggs"
hi: 16
dictionary: d4:spam4:eggs2:hii16ee
spam: "eggs"
hi: 16
AsherOP2y ago
mind sharing your code? I won't copy as I want to do this myself, haven't had the time to look at Pidgin yet either just as a general idea
Pobiega2y ago
public abstract record BToken

public record BString(string Value) : BToken
public override string ToString() => $"\"{Value}\"";

public record BInteger(int Value) : BToken
public override string ToString() => Value.ToString();

public record BList(ImmutableArray<BToken> Elements) : BToken;

public record BDictionary(ImmutableDictionary<string, BToken> Elements) : BToken;
public abstract record BToken

public record BString(string Value) : BToken
public override string ToString() => $"\"{Value}\"";

public record BInteger(int Value) : BToken
public override string ToString() => Value.ToString();

public record BList(ImmutableArray<BToken> Elements) : BToken;

public record BDictionary(ImmutableDictionary<string, BToken> Elements) : BToken;
my models that Im parsing into
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _i = Char('i');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _l = Char('l');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _d = Char('d');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _e = Char('e');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _colon = Char(':');

private static Parser<char, string> StringWithLength(int length) => Any.RepeatString(length);

private static readonly Parser<char, int> _int = UnsignedInt(10);
private static readonly Parser<char, int> BencodeLength = _int.Before(_colon);

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeString =
BencodeLength.Bind(StringWithLength).Select<BToken>(x => new BString(x));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeInt =
_i.Then(_int).Before(_e).Select<BToken>(x => new BInteger(x));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> Bencoded =
BencodeString.Or(BencodeInt).Or(Rec(() => BencodeList)).Or(Rec(() => BencodeDictionary));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeList =
Bencoded.Many().Between(_l, _e).Select<BToken>(x => new BList(x.ToImmutableArray()));

private static readonly Parser<char, KeyValuePair<string, BToken>> KeyValuePair =
.Then(Bencoded, (name, val) => new KeyValuePair<string, BToken>((name as BString)!.Value, val));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeDictionary =
KeyValuePair.Many().Between(_d, _e).Select<BToken>(x => new BDictionary(x.ToImmutableDictionary()));
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _i = Char('i');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _l = Char('l');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _d = Char('d');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _e = Char('e');
private static readonly Parser<char, char> _colon = Char(':');

private static Parser<char, string> StringWithLength(int length) => Any.RepeatString(length);

private static readonly Parser<char, int> _int = UnsignedInt(10);
private static readonly Parser<char, int> BencodeLength = _int.Before(_colon);

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeString =
BencodeLength.Bind(StringWithLength).Select<BToken>(x => new BString(x));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeInt =
_i.Then(_int).Before(_e).Select<BToken>(x => new BInteger(x));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> Bencoded =
BencodeString.Or(BencodeInt).Or(Rec(() => BencodeList)).Or(Rec(() => BencodeDictionary));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeList =
Bencoded.Many().Between(_l, _e).Select<BToken>(x => new BList(x.ToImmutableArray()));

private static readonly Parser<char, KeyValuePair<string, BToken>> KeyValuePair =
.Then(Bencoded, (name, val) => new KeyValuePair<string, BToken>((name as BString)!.Value, val));

public static readonly Parser<char, BToken> BencodeDictionary =
KeyValuePair.Many().Between(_d, _e).Select<BToken>(x => new BDictionary(x.ToImmutableDictionary()));
my parsers fixed and here is some test code
var test = "d4:spam4:eggs2:hii16ee";
Console.WriteLine($"dictionary: {test}");

var result = BencodeDictionary.ParseOrThrow(test) as BDictionary;

foreach (var token in result.Elements)
Console.WriteLine($"{token.Key}: {token.Value}");
var test = "d4:spam4:eggs2:hii16ee";
Console.WriteLine($"dictionary: {test}");

var result = BencodeDictionary.ParseOrThrow(test) as BDictionary;

foreach (var token in result.Elements)
Console.WriteLine($"{token.Key}: {token.Value}");
the Between combinator was awesome
this_is_pain2y ago
do you really have to use e? you are using utf8, right?
Pobiega2y ago
the e is set by the encoding, so yes you can't just come up with your own characters and still claim to be fully bencode compliant its like replacing the } in json :p
this_is_pain2y ago
aaaaa ok i didn't know it was a standard also because if it was a standard, i thought, what is the problem, it's all already done because there would be already an escaping method or something
Pobiega2y ago
As Asher said, he is implementing a parser from scratch. There are ofc several existing parsers.
Accord2y ago
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