Installing bazzite desktop nivida help
I uses Rufus to make the usb media and I just get this. I didn't see anything about this in the install help

13 Replies
This is with the iso copy mode, or whatever it's called
With the DD mode it gets further but still fails
can you use fedora media writer?
I burnt my bootable usb with balena etcher, worked smoothly. I may be misremembering, but when booting from it, does it ask if you want to boot in normal mode or grub mode? If it does, I always chose normal mode. But it depends on your hardware too.
I can try, but I don't have a linux install to do it with
Fedora media writer is available on windows
oh oki
I tried to use it frist but the link they have on github does not lead to somewhere with a windows install
Yah still failed sadly

Had to pull plug to turn it off
Ok I went to basic graphics mode and it seems to be better
Let's see if install works
Use silverblue iso
After that rebase to bazzite-nvidia
i really dont understand why this dracut error happens
but yeah
ill link the workaround
Bazzite FAQ - Universal Blue
Custom Operating System images based on Fedora
Ok so doing the basic graphics install in the troubleshooting menu worked actually!
thats good