unlined suede loafers, light color
Any recs for unlined suede loafers in a light color?
5 Replies
How light? Meermin has some. https://meermin.com/collections/mens-loafers/products/514511-taupe-janusbutts-e
Meermin Shoes
Introducing whole new version of our casual loafer. For this specific loafer range we have developed a new last from scratch: The Nova Last. This last is designed to provide a superior loafer fit, featuring and adjusted heel fit to prevent any possible slippage and a generous fit in the forefoot, allowing for a very co
What's your budget? Do you want chunky or sleek? Those meermins above are a great choice if you want sleek (though I prefer their snuff colour)
Alden LHS /discussion (milkshake if you want really light or snuff for a darker tan).
Grant Stone coral if you want something fun