I set access my behind tunnel hostnames via one time pin.

When I ask PIN to be send to the same Gmail account, sometime I got it, sometime never get it. Its not in the spam filter either. When I cannot receive the PIN from one email(worked before) I use another email, it works right away. My question: where do I add authoried email addresses to receive PIN for Zero Trust access?
5 Replies
Mackenly2y ago
I'd suggest adding an additional identity authenticator. GitHub is super easy to setup. No pin emails required. It sounds like the email account you're using may be buggy or your inbox has a really slow update rate. (often the case for free Gmail, yahoo, etc accounts). Since Zero Trust itself isn't providing the directory service I don't think there's a way to do backup emails. You could of course have a seperate user for your other account (it sounds like you're already doing this) as long as you make sure your access control polices allow both accounts, but as far as Zero Trust knows those are two seperate users.
Metaverse AI
Metaverse AIOP2y ago
Many thanks, can you give a URL for how to setup Github ID? I do have a Github account @mackenly
Mackenly2y ago
GitHub · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Cloudflare Zero Trust allows your team to connect to your applications using their GitHub login. Administrators can build rules for specific …
Metaverse AI
Metaverse AIOP2y ago
Kasumi2y ago
Sometimes it takes hours until you get it :/

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