Why wasn't build/deploy not triggered for Pages, after pushing to the preview branch?

Hi, We're using GitLab. staging branch is configured as preview branch for Pages. A developer has merged and pushed the code into the staging branch, however the Pages build has not been triggered. Before that, the builds were working as expected. This is the first time another developer has pushed into this branch. Why wasn't the pipeline triggered?
4 Replies
_koolenOP2y ago
Commits to the feature/ branch are visible in the deployment history as Skipped (which is OK, since only the staging branch is supposed to be built). Then feature/ has been merged into staging, generating a merge commit in staging. This merge commit does not show up in the deployment history. I'd expect that merge commit to show up in the deployment history and trigger the build and deployment.
Mini2y ago
It happens sometimes with me too You can trigger it manually go to setting -> build and deployments -> deploy hooks it will give a curl command which you can run to trigger deployment on latest commit. I am not sure what's the reason behind this issue but this is a workaround for now
_koolenOP2y ago
Thank you for the hint, @_mini.dev! Will try it out next time
Mini2y ago

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