No link between aspx file and aspx.cs .Net framework 4.7.2
Hello everyone first post on this server. Sorry to bother you but impossible to make the link between the 2 pages even with the help of all the Stack Overflow topics that talk about the problem.
MGBasePage inherits from System.Web.UI.Page
Thanks in advance for your help
37 Replies
nobody for me 🥲
Are you getting a build error?
hi, yes not invalible in the current context
with all id define in the aspx file
Can you show the error ?
yes I will
sorry to have taken so long
So how did you create the aspx page file?
Was is already created and you renamed it? @Mr.Mal
No I take this project
Also check your csproj file does it have entries like this?
I look
no I don't have any file like that
It would be at the root of the project ?
Yes it's the project file (
but neither is it on the server hosting the site (which is stable).
How did you open the project in visual studio?
I create a « web app(.net framework) : empty » and I paste all files
I take all references and lib with error code through build error
That’s all
Yeah that won't work
Why did you copy the files and paste them in another project?
I took all files by FTP
The website was already deployed
You should copy ALL the files
Including csproj, resx
Basically get the whole project/solution from the FTP server into your local machine
The coding instructions says to setup an IIS environment and copy the database and the files download by FTP
Yes, the FTP should have all files including csproj, which is the project file
Can you check if you've copeid .csproj files or not?
Yes i will, thx for your help ðŸ˜
No, I scrap all files on the serveur by ftp and nothing
Weird, so you just have cs files?
Yes, if you see something strange on this mail
It was the instructions give by the platform
Not just the cs files, this files too
I guess the best you can do is manually right click on aspx files in visual studio and click
Convert to Web Application
This should add the designer files I thinkBut I have hundreds of files
not sure if "Add existing file" would generate the designer files or not
But you could try it
and I don't have this with a right click...
try "Add existing"
ok it's good
but same error
I have to solve this error before
I still have no clue how you're using the project
You have to have a csproj file
ok thx by the way
I will try tomorrow to send an other help request
Thank you so much for your time and your help. I'm going to bed now, it's past 1 in the morning at my place.
I hope to be able to return the favor one day.
bye bye
Np, happy to