CF Tunnels blocking websockets?
Im using pterodactyl what uses docker and all this other stuff to display a live dashboard of your servers. I have websockets enabled but im getting websocket issues in the console. I asked in the pterodactyl discord already and they dont provide that much support when using stuff that has proxies (cloudflare) Im unsure if i have something set wrong in my cf setup.
Its trying to connect to a WSS:// When i go to the webpage my self it says ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
6 Replies
what are the actual errors logged in the console? your browser is throwing
when you go to the wss:// URL yourself because there's nothing to display for websocket URLs.\

yeah, i don't know why that's happening. CF Tunnels explicitly supports WebSockets, so the only way that would be the issue is if you somehow disabled them. to me this sounds like a Pterodactyl issue.
do you know the command to disable them?
if you mean in the CLI, i don't even think that's possible. there might be some way of disabling WebSockets on the dashboard but i'm really not sure.
on the dsahboard i have them enabled coz i checked
for the cli 🤷 time to read docs ig