Cloudflare for SaaS custom domains webhooks for status updates

We are building out an integration with cloudflare for saas custom domains where our users can add their own custom domains through our interface. We save custom data related to the domain in our database (such as which organisation it belongs to). We also store the current status of the domain from that we get from the "Custom Hostname Details" api call ( What would be great is to have a webhook to listen to that triggers when the status of a custom hostname changes, instead of constantly polling it. Also that would help our system to be notified when a domain is changed from active to another status (if the user has changed their dns settings for the domain). I can only find notifications for SSL cert changes for custom hostnames. Have anyone solved this issue and if so how?
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4 Replies
Kody2y ago
Howdy @letobbe , checked internally and that's currently not possible ATM. Did raise to the PM as something to look at.
TobiasOP2y ago
@kody4334 thanks for looking into it. Do you know how other customers approach this currently? What would be the best approach here in the absence of webhooks? We are currently planning to do some kind of interval call to the api endpoint for domains that don’t have the status active. And domains with the status active we will just check every night to see if they change.
Kody2y ago
From what I understand, other customers do exactly that (using the API endpoint).
tadamt8mo ago
Hey! I just found this thread, and I'm curious if it have been discussed/added to a roadmap? I have the same issue and it would be super great to reduce the API calls by polling custom hostname status. The SSL related webhook events are super great and it would help a lot to have similar event type for the ownership status 🙏

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