Integrating a blog to cloudfare single page website

Dear Team, Newbie here, I have a single page html website running in Cloudflare ( account #c4ace3830e978a0d252919a63bb95ba0) code is in git and built via Cloudflare pages and routed to custom domain which is also bought from Cloudflare. No I would like to add a blog section to my single page website, so what is the best option I can use ? There were some suggestions like I have to move to different hosting provider and then install word press etc etc, But before proceeding I would like to check is there any better option within cloudflare ? Because Currently I like my process, when I push my website changes to github, the pages automatically build and publish my website. So please help
1 Reply
Mackenly2y ago
You're correct in assuming you don't need WordPress. To create a blog you have two main options (with some sub options): 1. Use a CMS A CMS or content management system is a tool that let's you interact with a database holding your content. CMSs can either be headless (they just store data) or non-headless (they manage your site's frontend as well). Traditional WordPress is an example of a non-headless CMS but WP can also be used headless if you so desire. A more purpose built headless CMS is called Sanity. It would require significant coding skills to use though. 2. Static Pages The other option for a blog is to use static pages. Essentially like how your site is built now, static sites are hard-coded. Changes are made by editing the site's source code. There are options for writing posts in Markdown. This makes the writing process much more intuitive than HTML but there is going to be more technical setup required. I'd suggest looking over the frameworks supported by pages. Several have built in markdown support while others may be able to support it. One of the static options using markdown is probably going to be the most straightforward but still a big jump from vanilla HTML/CSS. Ultimately to have a custom coded site you will need to get more technical than just html but it could be a great learning journey.
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