Integrating a blog to cloudfare single page website

Dear Team, Newbie here, I have a single page html website running in Cloudflare ( account #c4ace3830e978a0d252919a63bb95ba0) code is in git and built via Cloudflare pages and routed to custom domain which is also bought from Cloudflare. No I would like to add a blog section to my single page website, so what is the best option I can use ? There were some suggestions like I have to move to different hosting provider and then install word press etc etc, But before processing I would like to check is there any better option within cloudflare ? Because Currently I like my process, when I push my website changes to github, the pages automatically build and publish my website. So please help.
1 Reply
simpson2y ago
They have a ton of good documentation to get started with a simple static site builder with blog (Hugo,Jekyll,gatsby,etc…)
Deploy a Gatsby site · Cloudflare Pages docs
Gatsby is an open-source React framework for creating websites and apps. In this guide, you will create a new Gatsby application and deploy it using …

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