Facing issue while integrating new repo VSF
I'm integrating using lastest repo and facing issue even in example code. I'm unable to listen in api-client, but its working fine till sdk/src/methods/exampleMethod. I'm calling api-client from exampleMethod but api-client file is not called.
7 Replies
Hi @Ahmad Latif 👋 , are you referring to building a custom integration?
are you getting any errors?
I'm calling end point from view to sdk and sdk to api-client and added somes logs on this page but getting nothing
Can you please guide me about that how its working
Have you seen this video? https://youtu.be/QdNRrZ6R-mI?feature=shared&t=80
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No I have not seen this before
Ita really very helpful
I was missing some steps
Thanks man
glad I could help. 😄